Chapter 74: Lover

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"How was it?" Bai Jiawei asked.

Eunha pouted, "We couldn't book the top floor as expected. However, we were able to book the second floor."

Bai Jiawei gently patted his daughter on the back, "It's okay. I told you it will be impossible to book the top floor."

"But Lisa was there!"

"What?" Bai Jiawei raised one eyebrow.

"When we were up on the top floor, Lisa suddenly showed up with this other guy."

"What guy?"

Eunha rolled her eyes, "His surname is Jeon, but the manager told us that he is just some relative of the Jeon family without much power. You know, the Jeon family is probably really large. He's probably just some far relative that came over to use the power of the Jeon Empire."

Bai Jiawei nodded his head in agreement. The Jeon family was indeed very large, and even just a small relative without any relation to the main family line would have a certain amount of power here in Country Z.

"But what was Lisa doing there?" Bai Jiawei asked as he slightly furrowed his eyebrows together.

Eunha scoffed, "That guy is her boyfriend. She's probably his mistress or something and just sleeps with him to get money. You know how a few days ago there was news about her with the CEO of the Jeon Corporation. He probably got tired of her so she went to go find someone else."

"Eunha!" Bai Jiawei's face had turned red from anger as this possibility would be an embarrassment to the Kim family. The youngest daughter of the Kim family was a lover?!

But then Bai Jiawei thought of the fact that she was the lover of a relative of the Gu family, and it wasn't too bad after that. Maybe he could get some benefit from that too. . .

Bai Jiawei cleared his throat and told the driver to start the car, "Let's just see who she brings to the engagement ceremony."


The food was served quickly and when Lisa had returned from the restroom, all of the food was already ready. Lisa looked at the appetizing and luxurious food and gulped.

If there was a list of the things she liked the most in the world, food would be at the top. . . but Jungkook was quickly catching up. Plus, being with Jungkook meant delicious and free food, so it was a win-win situation.

Lisa sat down and they began eating, and the food tasted better than it looked.

"Are you the only one that can come up here?"

Jungkook looked up from his plate, "No. Aren't you here too?"

Lisa sighed, "But you're the only one they service, right? Unless you give them permission."

Jungkook nodded, "The Dasi Hotel belongs to the Jeon Corporation, but the 53rd floor belongs to me."

"Wow. . ." Lisa was genuinely surprised. This man was truly the most powerful man in Country Z.

Jungkook placed a peeled shrimp onto Lisa's plate, "Eat."

"Oh, okay."

After another period of silence, Jungkook asked, "Was that your step sister and future brother-in-law."

Lisa nodded and smiled as she took a bite of the fresh salad, "He's also my ex-boyfriend."

Jungkook's eyes flashed dangerously as he replied calmly, "I'm glad your taste in men improved."

Lisa laughed, "Are you complimenting yourself or me?"


Lisa's smile grew wider as she nodded her head in agreement. From Sehun to Jungkook was a very, very big improvement.

"Is the top floor actually booked on August 9th or is that just an excuse to not let them up here."

Jungkook finished chewing and slowly took a sip of water, "It's actually booked."

"Oh, looks like they will have to find another wedding location then."

Jungkook rested his head onto his hands, "They booked the second-floor lobby already."

"Oh, really?!" Lisa raised one eyebrow.

"Yes, the manager told me when you were in the restroom."

Lisa twirled the pasta around with her fork, "Are you going to come to the wedding with me?"

There was a slight pause, "Sorry, I have something important to do on August 9th."

"Oh. . . okay." Lisa couldn't hide her disappointment as she squeezed out a smile. Looks like she would really be alone on her birthday. . .

After eating, Jungkook drove them back to the Xihe Estates and Lisa returned home to get ready for filming tonight.

She entered the house and saw a disgusting scene: Eunha and Sehun were cuddling on the couch. Lisa stopped herself from throwing up because she didn't want to waste the amazing food as she walked across the living room confidently.

"Lisa!" Sehun suddenly called as he stood up from the couch, "Who was that man?"

Lisa turned around with a smirk, "Why is that your business?"

"Lisa, I know that you are still mad about me and Eunha, but you can't just degrade yourself like that!"

"Degrade?" Lisa turned her head to a side confusedly, "What do you mean by that?"

"I know that he is some relative of the Gu family, but you still shouldn't just degrade yourself by selling your body and being a lover!"

Lisa laughed out loud, "It seems like your information isn't really accurate. The man you saw wasn't just some relative of the Jeon family. . . He is - Oh, I don't think I should tell you."

Lisa raised one eyebrow coolly, "You're not qualified enough to know who he is. And lover. . . I think that title matches Eunha more."

Lisa shrugged before walking up the stairs to go change. If she wasn't mistaken, today was the last day of Eunha's filming. She had seven more scenes and her job was done.

With a satisfied smile, she disappeared into her room and grabbed her clothes to change into. It would be a bad decision to tell them who Jungkook truly was, as it wasn't the right time to yet.

Plus, a lot of people knew the name of Jungkook, but few actually knew what he looked like. Letting them into the secret would be thinking too highly of them.

Lisa changed into a plain shirt and jeans before leaving the house again.

Several hours later, she returned home, barely able to keep her eyes open. When she returned to her room, she wasn't very shocked to see Jungkook on the bed waiting for her.

"Hi," she greeted him before entering the restroom to get ready for bed.

After closing the lights, Lisa crawled onto the bed and was about to fall asleep when Jungkook suddenly talked.

"Do you have time tomorrow?"

Lisa sighed and forced herself to stay awake for a little longer, "Yes, there is no filming tomorrow."

"There is an auction. Do you want to go with me?"

Lisa didn't think much and just agreed, "Okay."

And then, she was asleep.

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