Chapter 123: Meeting the in-laws

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The next few days passed by quickly, and Lisa tried not to think about the meeting with Jungkook's parents.

On the Friday before the meeting, Lisa left after lunch to go film her only scene of the day.

She arrived and changed before going to Jimin's changing room. He had arrived early in the morning since he had a lot of scenes today.

She knocked once before walking in and saw that Jimin was on a phone call.

"- and she's really kind too!" Jimin turned around and saw Lisa. His eyes widened slightly and he cleared his throat before whispering, "Okay, mom. I have to go now. Goodbye!"

Jimin hung up the phone and stood up, "Lili!"

Lisa walked over to him and grabbed the milk tea on the table, knowing it was for her.

"Who were you talking to?"

Jimin chuckled, "No one."

"Oh, so you were calling yourself?"

"Yes! I mean, no! Ah, don't worry about it, Lili. Let's go watch Ji-eun film." Jimin pushed Lisa out of the room and they walked to the filming location together.

As they walked, Lisa glanced at him.

"You know that news about me and you?"

"Yes. I sued the news company already."

Lisa smiled, "Do you know who's behind it?"

Jimin shook his head, "Isn't it just a news company wanting some news."

"No. You know Shen Tzuyu?"

Jimin immediately scrunched his face up, "Ew! I know her! The daughter of the Shen family, right? What about her?"

Lisa grinned at Jimin's reaction, "She likes your brother, right?"

Jimin immediately stopped walking and his eyes widened, "Little Lili, you don't have to worry about her! I swear my brother doesn't like her! She is the one that likes my brother and keeps spreading rumors about her parents and my parents arranging a marriage between the two of them. However, my brother doesn't even care about her! My parents also don't like her! They all know that she is just some stupid white lotus!"

Lisa laughed, "Why is your reaction so dramatic? I'm not worried about her!"

Jimin let out a breath of relief, "Okay, good. Why did you ask about her?"

They continued walking, "She was behind the news. I guess she was trying to make your brother think I wasn't loyal to him. However, she underestimated Jungkook's ability."

Jimin nodded, "I told you she was stupid!"

Lisa raised one eyebrow, "You said that your parents also don't like her? Then what type of girl do your parents like?"

Jimin shrugged, "I don't know. My dad just likes my mom. My mom. . . I don't know. But I know she doesn't like Shen Xiner. My mom does treat Shen Tzuyu nicely because the Jeon family is friends with the Shen family after all. However, my mom used to always tell my brother not to be with Tzuyu."

Lisa perked her ears up as she got more curious, "Why?"

"Lili, let me tell you. Me, Jungkook, my dad, and my mom are all very good at looking through people to see what they really are."

Lisa chuckled. So he was saying that they all had a good eye for people?

"For example, me! I immediately knew Tzuyu was no good person once I met her! She's so fake! She acts all nice in front of my brother, and then becomes all arrogant and annoying in front of me! So double-sided! In comparison, Lisa, you are so much more fit to be my sister-in-law!"

Lisa looked down with a smile. Gu Yebei was indeed very good at talking! She should ask Jungkook to give him another allowance increase when she had the chance.

"My mom also has a good eye for people, and she agrees with me. She probably got that trait from me."

". . ." Shouldn't it be that you probably got the trait from her? Whatever. . . One should never question Jimin's IQ.

"She knows that Tzuyu is really fake and spoiled. I mean, she is the only daughter of the Shen family, and her parents treat her like a princess. So annoying! Anyway, my entire family doesn't like her. Including my brother! So, Lisa, you don't have to worry."

Lisa smiled as they reached the filming location, "Thank you for the information. I'll help you get another allowance increase from your brother if I can."

Jimin's eyes lit up, "Yes! I love you, sister-in-law!"

They sat down in their chairs and watched as Ji-eun filmed her scene.

'Shen Tzuyu. . .' Lisa tilted her head to one side as she took a sip of her milk tea. She will let her go this once because she had a lot of things on her plate right now and didn't have the time or energy to deal with Tzuyu.

After Ji-eun finished, it was Lisa's scene.

As she filmed, someone watched her from far away. She was wearing a black hat and black sunglasses. Although it wasn't very cold, she had a thick scarf wrapped around her neck and it covered her all the way to her mouth.

Several people glanced at her as they walked past because she looked very suspicious in that outfit.

She stared at Lisa filming, and slowly nodded her head. The woman removed her sunglasses and a sparkle shone in her eyes as she watched Lisa.

With a smile, the woman turned around and left the filming site.


The next day, Lisa woke up early to prepare for the meeting with Gu Yechen's parents.

She had watched several videos yesterday and figured out the perfect look for meeting elders!

Lisa walked into her closet and picked out a white blouse with long sleeves. She tucked it into a baby pink skirt that reached her ankles and wore a pair of two-inch heels in the same color as the skirt.

Her handbag was also a pink color in the same shade as the skirt. For her hair, she straightened it and left it down.

For makeup, she only put on a simple foundation, drew her eyebrows, and wore a light pink lipstick. She took a step back and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Lisa clicked her tongue and turned around as she stared at herself.

So unnatural. . . so weird. . .

The internet said that when meeting your boyfriend's parents, it is good to dress in a simple and sweet outfit. The outfit should give off a gentle and clean vibe, and it will add a lot of points.

Lisa stared at herself and nodded her head.

It was 10 A.M. and the meeting was at 12. She walked down the stairs and left the house. As she walked by, Li Huiran and Eunha stared at her weirdly, but she ignored them.

She had called a taxi, and she left the Xihe Estates. She told Jungkook yesterday that she would be going to a shopping mall to buy a gift for his parents first, so they could go to the Puxi Restaurant separately.

Jungkook had told her that there was no need, but she thought that it would be more polite and respectful since it was the first meeting.

Lisa drove to the shopping mall and stepped out of the car.

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