Chapter 94: The Qin family

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"Why can't I go in? My daughter is inside!"

Lisa finished the cheesecake on her plate before standing up. Jungkook helped her grab her purse before they walked over to the entrance together.

Bai Jiawei's face was red with anger as he glared at the worker, "Do you know who I am?"

"Sorry, sir. You cannot enter."

Lisa suppressed a smile at this sight as she wrapped her hand around Jungkook's arm, who smiled at her intimate action.

Bai Jiawei looked over at the sound of Lisa's heels clicking against the ground. His eyes brightened at the sight of the two of them, "See! That is my daughter!"

The worker looked over and bowed down, "Hello, President Jeon."

Jungkook looked over at Bai Jiawei with a stern expression, "Didn't Lili say we would be going down in a few minutes?"

Bai Jiawei smiled awkwardly, "I. . . I wanted to come and get you."

"There is no need for that." Jungkook walked over to the worker and looked down at his nametag.

Bai Jiawei took this opportunity to get back at the worker, "Who is this worker? He is so disrespectful! Am I still not allowed to go in now?!"

The worker was calm as he turned towards Bai Jiawei and bowed down, "I apologize. However, you are still not allowed to enter without President Jeon's permission."

"I -" Bai Jiawei turned to look at Jungkook, who grinned.

"Your name is Fang Zhanqi?"

"Yes sir."

Jungkook smiled before clicking the elevator button to go down, "You are doing your job well. Go to your manager tomorrow for a pay raise."

Fang Zhanqi's mouth fell open in shock before he quickly bowed down several times, "Thank you, sir! Thank you!"

The elevator door opened and Jungkook and Lisa walked in, but Bai Jiawei was rooted in place.

"Are you not going to come in?" Lisa asked with an innocent smile.

Bai Jiawei gulped before walking into the elevator, his face green from embarrassment and anger.


A few minutes before the clock struck 6, guests began entering the lobby.

Lisa was forced to stand at the door with the rest of her "family" to welcome the guests. Bai Jiawei also invited Jungkook to stand next to them, because he was a "part of the family".

However, it was clear that he just wanted to gain face from having Jungkook next to them.

The Qin couple and their daughter walked over with smiles on their faces, "President Bai!"

Bai Jiawei turned around and smiled at the sight of the Qin family. However, no one knew how genuine the smile truly was.

"President Qin! Thank you for coming over today! Welcome, welcome."

"Happy birthday!" The chairman of the Qin Corporation, Qin Shi, said. "You are 60 now, right? Ah, we are both getting old now. I will also be turning 60 in a few years!"

Bai Jiawei's smile stiffened slightly as he heard the hidden meaning behind those words. Qin Shi just wanted to tell him that he was old now.

However, in front of all the guests, Bai Jiawei could only laugh it off, "You're right! We are all getting old!"

The daughter of the Qin family, Qin Tzuyu walked over.

"Uncle Bai, happy birthday!" She then turned to Eunha, "Yuyan, long time no see! I'm so sorry I missed your wedding."

Tzuyu glanced at Sehun and smiled shyly, "You must be Eunha's husband. Nice to meet you. I am Tzuyu."

She held her hand out and Sehun shook it politely, his eyes looking at Tzuyu up and down.

Tzuyu wore a light yellow satin dress today, and it looked very elegant and innocent. Her face was also the cute and innocent type, and it was very useful in arousing the desire in men.

Eunha clenched her fists together, but she still had to maintain a friendly smile, "Tzuyu, you also have to hurry up. You aren't even dating anyone yet, right?"

Tzuyu nodded her head with a blush, "Yes. . . There are a lot of people chasing me right now, and I don't want to hurt any of them."

Eunha's hands shook with anger and annoyance at Tzuyu's pure and cute expression, and she wanted to slap her.

"Tzuyu, come back," Tzuyu's mom called her.

She obediently walked back and looked around for Lisa, who was standing behind Bai Jiawei. Tzuyu never really cared about Eunha, who she thought was too lowly to even be compared to her.

However, she never really liked the real daughter of the He family, Lisa. Tzuyu was the same age as Eunha, so she didn't hang out much with Lisa. However, she had seen her a few times.

As the princess of the Qin family, Tzuyu didn't like people who were prettier than her, as she enjoyed the spotlight of being the prettiest among the "rich-family-daughter-group".

However, anyone with eyes could clearly see that Lisa was much prettier than Tzuyu.

She spotted Lisa, who was standing behind Bai Jiawei, and Tzuyu's eyes narrowed. Her gaze shifted slightly and saw the man standing next to Lisa.

Her dad also noticed, "Lili, long time no see!"

Lisa smiled, "Hello, Uncle Qin."

"Oh, who is that man standing next to you? Is that your boyfriend?"

Bai Jiawei stood up a little straighter as he turned around to look at Lisa and Jungkook, "That is Jungkook, Lili's boyfriend!"

"Jeon Jungkook?" Qin Shi repeated, "Are you. . . maybe. . ."

"Yes!" Bai Jiawei interrupted, unable to wait even a second more, "He is the master of the Jeon family, the current CEO of the Jeon Corporation."

Qin Shi took a step back from shock, but he quickly recovered, "Wow! President Bai, your daughter is very competent!"

Bai Jiawei laughed happily.

Competent? Lisa raised one eyebrow. What did that mean? Competent in what? She held onto Jungkook's hand, and gently squeezed it.

Jungkook looked down at her and she whispered, "I shouldn't have brought you over today."

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