Decisions Decisions

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See you'll never understand
Words just aren't enough
Actions don't even faze you
I just can't explain
How much I love you
Damn near bringing me to tears
Every time I think of you
At the end of the day
I'll wind up missin you
Kissin you
Lovin you
Holdin you
Touching you
I've never been so afraid of losing someone
The prefect friendship
The perfect love
I knew
I've always known
(Inhale & exhale)
Its hard to read you text
Knowing later on
I won't be able to love you
Properly... love you
Properly hold you
So this is me setting you free
Scared of the end result
Trying to keep my faith
Winding up
Doing the same old stupid bull
"But if you love someone...
You'll set 'em free...
Hopefully they'll come back"
I know its not the same
But I'd be selfish
If I kept wanting you
Im Keeping you from Someone...
Who could possibly love you
Satisfying your every need
From all the way over here
Things have become complicated
This love I'm evaluating
Praying for a different outcome
Damn I think I'm sprung
Things that are causally
Running through my mind
Finger the hell
Out of my mind
Hurting the out of my
Looking over to the left
Is a vase
This vase holding our past
I see the vase cracking
That once held our flowers
I see the love starting to vanish
Slowly putting doubt's
In your mental
Slowly killing
And drilling
Leaving me lifeless
I'm with out
I'm in a drought
But once again this is life
My life
You've made your bed
Now you have to lie in it
This isn't the end
Just a new begging
To something
That's so fulfilling

~Darryelle A. Wilkerson 6/10/2015 7:00pm

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