Falling in

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I feel that
Because to be quite honest
I'm falling into you
I know if I do that
I must first fall out of him
That, right their
I'm not prepared for
I was created to fill an emptiness
A void in your life
A whole that's black
If you want me
Come and find me
I'm not going anywhere
I am a blessing
That will soon be bestowed upon you
Yes, I exist
I'm in the Shadows lurking
Getting in where I fit in
Claiming what's mine
I know it's on the way
But first I have to say
I am over you
I am solely responsible
For my actions
Leading you on
Is something I won't do
I've found myself
Fawning over this way too long
A situation I must obliterate
Before it's too late
N' the love you have for me
Is gone
I can say I trust you
That, right their
Takes a lot out of you
To believe in a person
So deeply
That you trust them
Is important
It's a gift we share
When we stare into each other's eyes
Darling forever is a long time
But I can't imagine it without you
Me without you
Is like shoes without soles
Remember we were made for each other

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