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I'll fall head first
Then happily drown
In the nothingness that is you

You are the air
That fills, then leaves my lungs
You are the air
That makes my skin crawl

You are the joke
That turns the ends
Of my frowns up
To the sky

You are everything and more

This is how I know
I search for you
When my eyes are
Shut and I'm dreaming

I reach out in hopes
You're there to grab my hand
And you have yet
To have proven me wrong

You put the sun
High in my skies
Leaving my skin
This golden brown

From you're lovely rays
Of pure happiness
You have this smile
That can unblind the blind

Making them regain
Their sight
Just the sight of you
Makes me freeze

Like nothing is moving
Around me
To lil ol me

Organized mess

And to think you're all mine...

Nothing I've ever had
Comes close
To what I have with you
I love you

I want everyone to know
... It's you
I choose...
I choose you

When my days are sad
I choose you over everything
Darneé; loves got nothing
To do with it

I just know
One thing for certain
I am madly
In love with you

I love how you
Get food everywhere
How your eyes flicker
When you're intrigued

By something
How you have these
Raw emotions just sitting
On your face

I love that you stare
Yourself up and down
In the mirror
Most mornings

Admiring not only your
Beauty but what you think
To be flaws
I love how ticklish you are

Even when I'm not even tickling you
I love how you stand up
For what you believe in
Even if everyone else believes

You to be wrong
I love everything about you
Especially the things I hate
Because without that

You wouldn't be you
I love you to the moon
Then back

I love you Stink

Built From My HeartΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα