The truth

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It's hilarious
To me how you want
To be in my life now...
I remeber
When i used to get excited
Seeing your name
Flash across my screen
Now i get annoyed
By just hearing your name
Funny how you can go days
Without speaking to me
But if I was as important to you
As you say I be
I would've
Been up there
In first or second
I've realized
I don't need you
Or your bs mind games
You tend to play
There are plenty of fish
Out in the sea
Ones that'll love
And cherish me
So now I'll tolerate you
Because god won't allow me
To mistreat you
My prayers are with you
I hope karma
Doesn't get you
But you reep what you sew
And this shit isn't so pretty
I'll leave you with this
I once was in love
Or maybe it was just a thought
You made me think the world of you
But then you hurt me...
Hurt me bad
And took advantage
Of the feelings I had
I apologize
For allowing you
To take my happiness
I am sorry
Someone did you wrong
In the past
Its way to late to come running back
I'm not going to play
These stupid games
Any longer
You need a friend... I'm here
A helping hand
I'll be that too
But never again
Will I be
Your stepping stool

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