Special K

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She is my secret
Once I utter these words
You must become a mute
She's defect-less

18 years young
Leads a uncultivated life
Just is infatuated with having fun

All skin & bones
Very intelligent
But I swear
She doesn't know it

Moves with a purpose
Dark; almost chocolate
Ridged around her edges

But I have yet...
To have lacerated the surface
There's just something about her
I can't seem to shake

Maybe it's them eyes
Or her smile
Which is always on 1,000
Heart bigger than the grench
After he stole Christmas

Eyes browner than
Brownie batter
She's the perfect piece
To my puzzle

The star to the top of my tree
The shoes up on my feet
The shirt on my back
The pen I use to write

Look her dead in her eyes
& drown
Those brown cesspools
Being the door into her soul

All thoughts
That were there to utter
Disappear within seconds
There she just rendered me Speechless

& all it took
Was one look
She must be a magician

Caught me by surprise
Her hand wraps around mine
Softly kissing my lips
& I edge closer

Wanting to feel every inch
Of her body
Held tightly against mine
Sliding my hands
Roughly through Her hair
Gripping her hips
& biting her lips

The wetter she gets
The more my mouth
I want her to quench my thirst

Wet my lips
& do a split
She's special
Not just in a sexual way

In a I want to spend
The rest of my days
With her way
She tempts me

& physically
Making me push past my boundaries
She's my Special K

Special because
Every time she grabs my hand
My heart begins to race
My hands begins to sweat

The nervous feeling
Crawls up in my stomach
& the butterflies
Fly right out my mouth

Causing me to do
Some of the dumbest things
Running into doors

& bumping into people
She's the only person
Who plasters a smile up on my face
So big it looks like I'm on drugs

Special K is my drug
& I'm a feen
Feenin for her touch
Wanting all her love

A secret
That sets my heart on fire
Burns my lungs
Yet I still desire
That's Special K

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