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I know now
You feel sick
Watching everyone around you
Moving forward
Bad decisions will cost you everything
You had the chance to shine
Instead you hid your light
Regret will fill up your cup
Over flowing
Into your actions
That shadow looming over you
Is depression
How does it feel?
Lost in the sauce
Learning the hard way
Your best friend left you
Cap and gown'd up
Her imposibles
Two roads
Two friends
Both going different ways
This will cause you the greatest pain
You're your own biggest fear
Fighting yourself tooth and nail
You're so afraid of what will happen
You don't even try to make anything happen
You was laughing
While puff puff passing
Now stuck in this rut
You keep backtracking
While mastering
Every bad habit
You're supposed to be reinventing 
Not reinforcing every bad habit taught
I'm ashamed to have called you a friend

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