Love Me Like I Do You

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Life is to short
To care about every little thing
I'm just trying to love you
And receive it from only you
But I'm getting in the way
Of my own happiness
Praying that you stay
But slowly I push you away
Praying that our love is written
It seems as if our love
Was never meant to be
Because it pains me
To give my all
So I hide
I'll run
Say things
Just so we can argue
Just so you don't leave
Because any action is better than none
Were opposite
But I hear opposites attract
But our attraction is more
Than physical
Its mentally too
Keeping my feelings to myself
So I can't hurt
When you decide to leave
Am I being obscene
Doubting what we stand for
Because one has been in the past
Its hard learning not to compare
You to all my exs
Questioning every little thing
Not because I can't trust you
Because I think
I know the end result
Is this love
Can I love?
Can you love me like I love you
You know that I mean unconditional
Because I'll kill for your affection
I crave you
Like a pregnant lady craves food
Is this love
Or is this merely an addiction
I can't shake
Hating the feeling I get
In the pit of my stomach
When your around
It's like I've been punched
Over and over again
I'd be hurt if it wasn't love
Because I know
I'll have to start over again
Feeling the hurt
Learning to trust
This shit is ridiculous
I'd rather jump off a bridge
But once again
Life is to short
So it's better to live and have loved
Than to love and never have lived at all
So I guess I won't rush
In due time you'll learn
My true feelings
Were living this thing called life

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