I'm a lesson in her story

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So please her
Make her happier
Than you've ever made me
Kiss her, spend time with her
Reassure her
Because if you put all the effort
Now; before... where'd we be?
Striving to make me happy
You lost your happiness
I see I'm draining you
Like they drain the pool
At the end of the summer
Focus on me
Focus on us
Then maybe my heart
Wouldn't be at the bottom
Of a lake somewhere
Beating for the last time
You left me here
Before I even stepped out
That narrow ass door
Several of the things you feel
I'm sure of it
You're a loner when you want to be
But to me,
It seems like
Only around me
Frustration building up
Just like water boils
Over a pot
I'm a kettle can't you hear
Me screaming
You resent me
It's all in your actions
We're struggling
Trying to control every bit of life
Cause we've never felt
Like we've had any control in life
I miss you something terrible
But you won't hear it escape
My lips after today
You're no longer apart of me
Not that you ever wanted to be
My presence unwanted
Like a child made from rape
I did what I did
Thinking that it didn't matter
You didn't give a fuck anyways
You didn't kiss me or hug me
So I sought cover somewhere else
These were my actions
Now I must watch as you react
Every action has a reaction
Now you're drifting away
With every stroke of your ore
You're farther away then you were before
If only I knew
Then I wouldn't have taken action
It's a simple misunderstanding
Compromisation won't help
Communication could've been
What saved us from drowning
Every glare burning an image
Into your mind
Erasing me over time
It feels like it's the end of our story
I guess I'll sit back
N' watch you fall in love
With someone else

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