Lair; Parting Ways

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I honestly wouldn't mind
Taking and slitting your wrist right now
You used me
You're a capital B-bitch right now

Abusive by nature
Your breath intertwined with mine
Hate is a strong word
But every bone

In my body aches when I lie
Saying I love
I trusted you
When every arrow pointed

Directly in the other direction
A puppet

Into think you were any different
And my scars were heeling
You saw your chance
& took it

Murderess grin
Of sin
Planted firmly on your face
And the excuses escaped your lips

Oh but I love you
Oh but I care for you
Oh how I couldn't live
A day without you

Every word being a dagger
Shot right through my heart
Shattering my heart
Draining my soul from my body

I was weak minded
You saw it
I had no will
And took my feelings over board

You knew the stronger my feelings
The more you had a chance
Knocking over every wall
Yelling timber in advance

I had no words to describe
The aches up in my chest
You pressed your lips to mine
And sealed your life

With the kiss of death

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