Dear DH,

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She writes to me
Uncovering her deepest darkest secrets
Spilling herself out onto paper
Like the ink she writes with

Dear Teddy Bear,

You ask me what I see
When I look into the mirror...
Knowing exactly how
Vague and broad of a question that is
I search my brain
Shuffling through answers
I could possibly present you with
My aim in writing this is to be as clear as possible
So as not to have to explain
Myself multiple times over
When I look in the mirror
I see my most prominent features
My stressful youth
Sexual value
A person that can be as simple
As black and white
Then as complex as the political views
Of Republicans and Democrats
When I look in the mirror
I see me
Awkward me...
Trying her hardest to find her pretty
To be what I view as pretty

Oh sweetheart if you only knew
How heads turn as you walk past
You'd then know
That you set the ground ablaze when you walk

Making niggas drool like babies
You are unique
You have this ability to talk
The pants of anyone

Courage to say anything that crosses your mind
Intelligent and truthfully blunt
This mothering nature for kinds
I look at you

I can see it in your body language
You think you can hide
But what you don't know is I see you
I see the dark circles

And hurt you're trying to hide
I just want to be the arms that console you
The ears that hold your secrets tightly
Like a heavy duty lock with no key

Just know you are far from broken inside
You are far from Just a girl
Because to me you're a queen
I tell you I love you because I do

I looked directly into your eyes
And fall everyday
I've said plenty of woman are perfect
I'm not quiet sure if I meant it then

But with ever breath in my body
I can be certain I mean it now
You are magic
Completely perfect from your weird ass habits

All the way down to your corn chip toes
You're perfect

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