November Monday 27th, 2017

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Monday November 27th
Of 2017
We shared our first date
Upon our feet were skates
I busted my ass
I flew then crawled
I couldn't help but to smile
You took and flipped my world
Right side up
Then twirled it around
You are so head strong
It's your way or the high way
At the end I finally won
Due to the tickle monster thing
A seat we took
Food we ate
Funny thing now I look back
My favorite thing was
The kiss I stole
I wrapped my hands gently
Around your neck
Then pulled you in
As you nervously talked about ice cream
And French fries
I bit your lip
Then sucked and kissed
I know... what a corny move
But the feels I got
Made me just know
It's something about you
It's something about you
I be ready to go to bat for mine
I can't catch up
My mind juss keep on zooming
From your fresh scent
To you're soft ass touch
This isn't a thing
But look, now it is
I'm curving bitches left n right
So don't play games with me
I'll cherish
And adore you
I'm thankful
Because you have opened my eyes
To many things
N' now I see

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