The loss of your love

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I think what hurts me the most
Is hearing the person
I've know my whole life
Tell me I ain't shit
And never going to be shit
To me face
To hear her say
She hates me
But it's what's she's made me
Hurts more than a knife
Being driven into my heart
And being pulled out from my back
It pains me to know
She'll never accept me for me
But was the main one telling me
To be myself
Shit like that erks me
That's why
I can't and won't
Look at everyone lovingly
If she can say these things
Belittling me
Than whose to say you won't
I see the hatred in her eyes
With every glance at me
And the fire that I once had
Is slowly being put out
With each fucked up shit said
Worse than the last
Pain is love
Because when you love someone
Everything they say or does
Affects you
Me liking boys and girls affects her
I can't help that
I hurt you
By trying to loving myself
More than I ever loved you
I can't help that
I don't want to be anything like you
I am ashamed to say
I still want to be loved by you
That I'd do anything
Except change who I am
To be around you
You say your proud
Well I can't wait
Till I feel that's actually true

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