Me, Faith & Prayer

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I'm tired
I've been beat down
And torn into two
My mind racing
To infinity and back
The devil knocking at my door
I'm on my knees praying
Yet no answer has been heard
Having nowhere else to turn
I shut my eyes
A silent tear falls
I'm no longer able to hide
Come to surface
I'm reaching out to you
Reaching out to what I knew
Giving it my all
Bright Flashes flashing
A deep but gentle voice speaks to me
Sweet child of mine
I dont throw anything your way
Unless I know you can handle it
You are strong
You are smart
My child all wounds heal
You say beaten down...
I say stand up get stronger
Have faith
Torn you say... I can mend it
Inhale... all pure
Exhale... evils and unholiness
Life is always a work n' progress
Never turn to me as your last result
Always as your first instinct
Let it out
Your afraid only because you have no faith
Your hurting because you dont believe
My sweet child...
I took my last breath for you to be free
Your not broken
Your misguided
Emotions are supposed to worn as sleeves
Blown like the leaves
When you call I always answer
Whether you choose to listen or not is up too you
In that moment I began prayer
In that moment
I began to believe
I poured my pure and
Evil into this prayer
I know I am a sinner
I've done things I'm not proud of
I've hurt the ones I love the most
I ask for your forgiveness
I believe you died for my sins
I trust and
Follow you as my Lord and savior
I will practice faith
Guide my life
Help me to do your will
In your name
I open my eyes refreshed
Knowing he guides with a steady
Yet strikingly sturdy hand

~Darryelle A. Wilkerson

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