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Today I found myself
Rethinking us
Doing what seems like
Complex mathematics
With no equation
Or right answer

Today I found myself
N' on the brink of tears
A feeling I knew all too well

You're the karma
I've build up over the years
I thought would disappear
A mere thought I felt was worth
Trying to rewrite

Yet I'm standing here tonight
With tears
Swelling in my eyes
With no more moves
To be made

Today marked
The occasion
Where Karma;
Karma has officially kicked my ass

Because where I thought
You were the trophy
I for one found out
You are just...

Let me stop before
I say something
That cannot be changed

I adore you with all my heart
This is me
Wishing you the best

I just want to remind you
Love is that extra step
When you don't even
Want to go an inch for it

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