The 99th problem

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Pitch black room
Your all alone
But your thoughts
Keeping you company

Shivers slowly slide down your spine
&& the happiness
That was once there
No longer warms the inside of you

A constant fight
Will you be or will you not
A constant fight of
Is this me or is it not

She asks this one question
"Who are you??"
Will you ever be able to answer
"Who are you??"
This thought lingers

A soon to be question
That follows you around
Like a lost puppy
Like the baggage of a dead relationship
Or scars from your very distant past
"Who are you??"

A question
So deadly
So fatal
When asked
You'll began to question
Who you really are
Even if you knew && have known who you are since birth

You began to tap
Trying to give yourself some comfort
With each tap
The pattern changes
With each tap
The anticipation becomes far more aggressive

It's like watching two rabbit
Pit bulls fighting for their lives
Each one smelling the fear on each other

Is all you can think
Is being like the crowd
Going to make you happy
Is being what everyone else thinks of you
Going to tell you
"Who you are??"

Because smoking weed
Will only ease the pain a bit
&& the drinking
Will constantly
Send you into this fugue state

Because being hip to the newest clothes
&& knowing all the newest songs
Will improve what you feel about yourself

Think about this
If I strip away
Those beats headphones
Them fie Jordan's
That iPhone 6
Anything these dimwit teens
Thinks makes you who you are
Basically the facade you wear so proudly
"Who will you be??"

"Who will you be??"
Those same kids that are babies
At home
Become these big ol lil fake imposters
Acting hard to please who they think is cool

Acting hard
Because in reality
They can't accept
Who they really be

Answer me this
Right now if I ask you
Can you honestly tell me
"Who you be??"

Look around
Them same people you call friends
Lil Bro & lil Sis
Do they really have your back?
Didn't your Sis steal form you last week
&& Didn't your Bro just impregnate your girlfriend

These same fools you're calling the F word
A sacred word called family
Doing what family should never do

So here you are
Sitting in this pitch black room
Trying to cope with who you know
You're self to truly be

It's time to make a decision
It's time to step up
&& finally be
Learn to let go
&& stop saying you don't care
When it's obvious you really do
Stop following the crowd
&& actually gain independence

You were made as one individual
Be that individual
And find yourself
Now can you tell me
"Who you really beez??"

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