Thoughts of a broken man

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I didn't know
How deep the cuts were
Until I was at a loss for words

I felt this pain up in my chest
That made living
Hurt just a little more

I was at a war within myself
The blood was pouring out
All over the floor

This reflection was staring at me
Cocked the gun
Then pointed it at me

I didn't flinch
The demons
Circling me

Like water the drain

I was looking at a person
Not realizing
Who was staring back

Tears swelled within my eyes
As I tried to take my own life
This can't be it

As I set there
On the floor
Begging myself

To continue fight
To hold on just a little longer
Tellin myself 

That I am stronger
The pain too deep
Within my heart

I can't keep living...

If I just shut life's door
Swiftly behind me
Then no one would know

The pain my body was enduring
The fight I kept having
Everyday day

Like the last
A battle damn near impossible
To win

I ain't want them
To remember me this way
I wasn't always this broken

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