A Difference

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She looks in the mirror
& all she sees
Is this worn out
Burnt out

Cracked like figure
Her heart aches
Because now she needs space
From the littlest of things

Don't allow yourself
To get too close
Because at the end
You'll be the one

Whose heart aches
When you breathe
I'm time wasted Right?
I'm starting to wish I never met you

Our good is never good enough
Wtf do you want for me
I'm open
Now my chest bleeds for you

These scars aren't just scars
Their souvenirs from the wars
We fought together
And came out on top

Their every argument
Fought and lost
The hugs and the kisses
Their pieces of us

I wear them proudly on my sleeve
Damaged beyond repair
Is what you saw
A treasure

No one could
Cherrish but me
This middle finger is a
A token of our love

I hope you'll cherish it forever
& I'll forever remember that
We just weren't written
In the blackened sky's

I hope our kisses burn
Black ass landmarks
In your brain
N everytime we kissed

Replays like a scratched record
In your mind
There's yellow tape around your life
Screaming caution


Fuck those sunny days
Because the rain always came in
Flooding our past
Into the present

They were minor flaws
Amplified into
James in the giant peach ones
Fuck you

It's obvious
If it's meant
We'll be
But after

Several failed attempts
I'm just geeked
Talk about dodging bullets
Swear I'm to weak to even fight this one

Bitter sweet moments
Now I'm gone to the beach on that one
I'm out
Peace & blessing

~Dariii Wilkerson 12:11pm Tuesday 2016

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