Untitled Part 72

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The darkness creeps up
& I shut my eyes
Allowing It to swallow me whole
Her limits have been reached
Her heart just as Fragile
As the porcelain dolls
Our grandmother kept
Propped up on the dressers and tables
Around her house
Trying to ease my mind
I put my earphone in
Taking a long walk
Allowing myself to calm
Before I turn in the darkness that floats above me like the earth
Orbiting around the moon
Her scars so deep
The wall that's up
Is not penetrable
It's confusing the signals thrown my way
It's like a test
Thats not passable
I can't take the strain
My minds going crazy
The ups & downs
A roller coaster ride
I am unprepared
Battered & beat
I'm a soldier
I must march on

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