Never again

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The smile she wears
Like the wallets
Of homeless men on the streets
She writes in her journal
Trying desperately to escape
The dreams of yesterday

Nobody can see
The tears she shed
Effortlessly enclosing the drops
That would wet the softest of cheeks
Nobody knows your pain
Just think
What doesn't kill you

Almost always
Makes you stronger
No one will ever be able
To understand
What you're withholding
Or what they've
Never had to endure

See life's a test
A race
Nobody will ever
Truly be able to win
So why rush into an abyss
Of nothingness 

When you can ride
The hardest of waves
On the roller coaster
That's meant for you

Your voice is not
The background music
That plays in the clubs

It's the one
That gives speeches
The one
That's far from timid
Far from shy

It's the one
That shoots first
Then ask questions later

That smile she wears
Plastered across her face
Is a smile that can concur the universe
A universe that desperately needs concurring

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