A Cry

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I know you're hurt
I know you're searching
Searching for something
Anything that'll make you feel better

I know you're tired
Tired of my bullshit
Patiently waiting to feel it

It being the crush
The crush you've found
Placing all your time in
I'm here but you can't
No you won't

I reach out my hand to you
Wishing to feel your presence
But I'm here alone
Nothing but my sheets
N' mind keep me company

Your lips don't feel like mine anymore
I mean not as if they ever were
You're free like a bird

The space you need
Has been given
You're beside me,
Mentally... well mentally...
Mentally you're on a ship
Rocketing to space

Comprehension isn't here
I can't comprehend something
Something I can't understand

I know this was the straw
That broke the camels back
For this I can only apologize

Something you rather not part
From my lips

Leave Me Alone

Something your body screams
Without your lips
Stating this

Fine I'll grab this shovel
I'll finish diffing this grave
Once it's done bury it...
It being me

Every memory
Erase it all

You're already gone

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