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Currently I'm feeling tossed
Tossed in the air
Like tossed salad
My mind weary

Thoughts so laden
I drift so far off
I began to paint a picture
Painting pictures

Painting. Pictures.
Of happiness
What life has been
Or would've been

Feeling trapped
Desperately scratching at the door
Like a trapped animal
Words escape

And all I can say is...

I can't breathe
My shirts too tight
Clothes too hot
I look around

As if to find a space to run
I drop down to my knees
With every inhale
I burry my face more and more

Into my knees
My heaving chest
Pounding like Africans
Drumming at a ceremony

All I can think
Is what if
Dreams could come true

& my drifting off
Wouldn't be considered lala-land
But home

I can't concentrate
You're on my mind
Like white on rice
Or Like red wine
Spilled on white

What is this
One minute I'm over this
Next minute
I'm missing this
My name said way too many times

Doesn't quiet do the trick
But you place your hand in mine
And we're face to face
Inhaling each other like the air on the beach

Hot Damn
I think I can do this
I smell you on my skin
Taste you on my lips

Wished I hadn't of dreamt it
Seemed way too real
The whole spiel
Not to mention the way we conversed

How every move
Felt way more intense
Ohhhh I wish

The stars were more than stars
And instead of arguing
We road magic carpets around
Like we're from the movie Aladin

Because in the Disney movies
In your roughest toughest stages
You could still end happily
I'm lost can't you see

I'm tossed
Isn't it obvious

My red isn't red enough
My blacks turned grey
My grapes are sour
And my smile turned upside down

Year round
I sit
Trapped in the box
I must find away out

Boring is as boring does
A rabbit is As a rabbit was
Whatever that means

But I can't & I won't
Do this anymore
I am me
Confusing to you but poetry to me

Because if roses weren't red
And violets weren't close to blue
You'd still find
That one tulip

As yellow as can be
Proudly standing
As it's own

I believe it's called Individuality

~ Dariii A. wilkerson 3:38am Sun Aug 28th, 2016

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