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I miss a lot of things
I swear what I miss the most
Is escaping reality with you
We used to talk FOR HOURS
On the phone
It used to feel like
Hours were seconds
Months felt like weeks
I just couldn't get enough of you
Now just awkward silence
Fills the room
Bouncing from wall to wall
A touch seems
We've created this distance
It never used to feel like this
Our bond was so strong
Nothing could break us
It felt like our love
Was impenetrable
Now we're the shattered pieces
Lying on the floor
I hate that...
Shattered pieces
Now we'll need a broom
Not to mention a dustpan
To sweep up all the disappointment
N' heartache
I'm alone in your presence
It sounds weird
Alone in your presence...
Now that it's been said aloud
It's true
It's so hard to grasp
This narrow I feel in my chest
Cause I still
Think about you
From time to time
Wishing I could undress your mind
Pick the brain
I once intrigued
You were everything
Your name made a smile
Jolt across my face
Your voice music to my ears
Your time,  the food
That fed my soul
Enough is enough
I need my best friend back
I need the person
I confined in
The person who knew all my secrets
Who I loved
The one who was open-minded
The one who cared for others
The one who wanted to be around me
Where you at?
I went from having you
To not being able to be around you
It's nauseating
Because I have known for a while
Nothing is constant in life
Everyone is replaceable
I just never expected you,
To be the thing
That made my heart hurt
N' my eyes cry
I never thought it'd be you
I miss a lot of things
Like your laugh
The way you toss your head back
In ecstasy
You are the light
I miss several things
Like the way you eat
Crumbs all over your face
Especially evading reality
Our talks consisted of
Our life long goals
What makes your toes curl
Or skin crawl
You are completely different
I don't know what I was expecting
People change

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