Her Ocean

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Truth is
It hurts
But I'm used to it
It's like the deeper I cut
The more I bleed
But the relief I get
Is like a rush
Rebooting my system
& im able to feel again
The words you uttered
Brings smiles to my face
& pain to my heart
I ache all over
Like the chilling winds
Against arthritis ridden bones
The closer I get to the center
The more I break down your walls
You push back every chance given
Kicking & screaming
Your running without even trying
Miscommunication leads to
No trust
Give me a chance to explain
I treasure you
Adore you
My mind is at work
My gears turning uncontrollably
Sweet love
Don't turn away from me
Just yet
We've only just begun
I'll give you your time
& space
Just know not a moment passes
& You don't cross my mind

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