If only you knew

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I run my thumb
Slowly across your top lip
Then like water rolls off of anything hard
My eyes roll off your lips
And up your face
Examining every inch and crevasse
Until our eyes meet
What is life?
Your smooth skin
In the palm of my hand
And all your insecurities
Leak through your pores
Your lips open as if to speak
But before words seep out
I pull you in close
Then our tongues begin to dance 
You pull away with a grin
And all thoughts
That were previously written on my face
Like pen does paper
I fade away into my clustered head space
The thick fog of you clouds my mind
I blink hard
Snapping myself out of Lala land
And back into reality
I find myself kissing your neck
While running my fingers
Lightly down your spine
If only you knew the vile things
That crossed my mind
We could do those vile things
Then lay side by side
In the blissful aftermath
Body's wet from our sweat and juices
Can I have a hug?
Not a normal hug
You know one of those serious hugs
One of those tight hugs
That take your breath away
Or one of those hugs where
When you leave I still smell you
As if you're still hanging close to me
I love it
Those hugs where you...
Just not wanting to let go
I can't help the fact I wanna feel you close
I sit alone replaying your voice
In my head
As if it was a song
Jeez Luís
My hands are shaking
& my hearts a jumping because of you
You're the glue
That's sloppily holding me together
The sun that burns my face beat red
The dust that tickles my nose
Causing me to sneeze
Jeez Luis
Where are we headed?
I see that you're damaged
But I want to fix you
Is that a crime
To want to be everything
Everyone else in your life has failed to do
I want to be lazy with you
Not to mention
Let's just jump head first into us
Your eyes are glossy
With specks of sparkle in them
My chest so heavy
My thoughts began to burden my face
Then this look from you
Sets my thoughts free
And suddenly I can breathe
Thank you for being you
Hard headed you
Big hearted you
Mean ass you
Just you
Blissfully smart
Easy on the eyes you
That wild card
In the deck of jokers

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