My Beyonce

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A day without you
Is like a chest with no heart
Food with no taste
Titties with no nipples
This being said
A me with no you
Is unimaginable
You light a fire under my ass
And plaster a smile up on my face
You're number one
In my heart
I'd hate to imagine life without you
My baby girl
My Princess
My lifeline
My love
Your are the missing pieces
To my puzzle
The blood coursing through my veins
The stars in dark sky
And the sun that lights my way
Your the kesh to my Dej
& the Peanut to my butter
You blow me away
With a blink of an eye
Your golden brown eyes
I love...
Which you hide
A kiss from my misses
One day
I'll be able to say I'm so lucky
I'll bend a knee
And bless the hand
With a ring
You'll be
Hand & hand
We'll walk
Side by side
Wife & wife
I couldnt put my love in words
So I wrote it in a poem
Takes these three paragraphs
&& put it in order
I love you Juicy Fruit

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