Present tense

7 1 0

Today I looked in the mirror
N didn't recognize
Who was staring back
I see this hair,
Two eyes,
A couple eyebrows,
N' a pair of Ears,
It just doesn't feel like me
There's no makeup brush
To correct the faults
Written in my eyes
It's not all in my head
Is it?
I can't stand to hear myself speak
So in the pretense of others
I tend to be as quiet as a mouse
I'm not frail
Nor am I strong
I'm just here
Living amongst you all
They say you stand in front
Of a mirror long enough
It'll show you what you look like
I say it'll give you a small glimpse
The smallest glimpse
Of who you truly are
What stares back is just
A reflection
A reflection of who you were
The question is...
Who'll you be tomorrow or today
In the present

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