Five Hundred Sixty Seven Words

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These are just a few words
Picked to describe what once was
A word meaning
Not compatible or keeping with...
not the same throughout)
Couldn't be mad,
Even if I wanted to
You showed me who you were before
As if words and actions
Have no meaning

I sat here watching
Your body paint this beautiful picture
I chose to sit and ignore
My Inconsistent lover
A word meaning
A person
Having a sexual
Or romantic relationship with someone)
Inconsistent lover
I can't be mad
At any actions you choose to take
I did the bid
12 was called
N' I was placed
Behind the bars of fate
(They say love is patient and kind
Not jealous, boastful, or rude
It doesn't demand its own way
It isn't irritable
N' keeps no record of being wronged
Love never gives up
Or loses faith
Love is hopeful,
N' endures through every circumstance)

Love... i want to take the time,
To apologize to you
Because that has not been me
Throughout our relationship
I've caused you pain
I'd never thought
In a million years
I'd be the one, causing this pain
Words aren't enough
Their are no amount of I'm sorry
To fix what I've broken
You've placed your heart
Into my hand
N told me where I stand

I hate arguing
Seeing that nose
On your beautiful face
Wrinkle up
I see the fire in your eyes
Turning to rage
I put myself into this position
I'm losing everything
I care about
Right before my eyes
I see you out there
Wetting your feet
Catching feels for others
The thought of you falling
For someone else
MAKES... ME... SICK...
I can't breathe
My chest hurts
My night and days are longer
Then they ever were before
Anywhere is better than our bed
I got it bad
not logical or reasonable )
Causing annoyance or difficulty)
incompatible or at variance; contradictory)
Different from what is usual or expected)
(A person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm)
Easily understood or done, presenting no difficulty)
Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level)
Dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy)
Be a thief; steal something)
Not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable)
Not made or caused by humankind)
Stressed tight or rigid)

Just listen
Hear me out
I've been irrational
Not to mention Nettlesome
It's my fault
We're in this conflicting situation
I know you find it odd
I'm here bleeding...
My feelings rolling off your body
Like water on your skin
I'm acting as if it's simple
Like the math problem 1+1
You're too intelligent
N' just like before
You're that wildfire
I'm that Somber rain storm
That calmly meets you the middle
Clashing, trying to tame each other
A Thief ... thieving in the night
It's a closed case, you took the key
That once unlocked my heart
Now it beats Erratically
It was so natural at first
You were you and me, me
Now we're oil and water
Our love used to be passionate
Tense bursting of just the right stuff
Now look
What once was one
Severed into two
Can it ever be called love again?

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