It was me

27 2 0

Let's play truth or dare
Slow music mellows out my vibes
As I sip and vibe
Ok... umm

Truth or Dare

{See if I pick dare
I'll look foolish
Like I'm too scared
Now if I pick truth

I'll have to face
The very harsh reality
Of what's real
Vs what's paradox}

This conversation goes on
And on... and on
For what seems like hours
Which was only mere seconds

Uhh err... truth
In the back of my mind
I'm like keep calm

In all actuality
Inside I'm shitting bricks
While Iraq is dropping bombs
Fuck... I'm screwed

Have you ever cheated?
I looked her dead in her eyes

{Before her I haven't
Before her...
It had never even
Crossed my mind

What was I to do?
Where'd this come from?
Should I even respond?
Or ask her to pick another question?}

You want the truth?
Or you want me to spare your feelings
I jokingly laughed
Followed by a weak smile

This game is called truth
Right? So I expect
The truth...
All of it

She was the quiet type
When you first met her
She was perfectly imperfect
She could do absolutely do no wrong

She turned my grey skies
Then somewhere between
Knowing her and thinking I knew her

We lost our connection
Our relationship
Slipped like
That white lady

In a life alert commercial
It's... it's True

I had fallen
My feelings were left in
The large entanglement
Of confusion

I wasn't in love with my ex
Yet I couldn't leave her alone
I would barely even try
And she'd come running

Like a fat kid who wanted some cake
I would tell myself
Leave her ass alone
I'd look into ya eyes

Feeling the slightest change
In us
Subconsciously fearing
That this day would come

Don't hurt her nigga
Don't tell her shit

Damn man
I love her...
Why the fuck
would I do this shit

I'd look her dead in her eyes
And think about you
Then why was I fucking her
Why was I dealing

With insecurities
When I had security
At home
This shit real live baffled me}

I did.

Silence fills the air
Hurt bounces
From wall to wall
And I knew right then and there

I needed to speak up
Fucked up part about it
I know you we're fucking right
I was just so low

I couldn't even suck it up
And say fuck my pride
We both hurt

I get an ache In my chest
And can't breathe
When I think about it
You were everything

Now I fucked up
Not to mention
I changed the way you viewed me
I'm not that monster

You know it and I know it
I gave you my word
Then I folded
My apologies Heather

Yea ima call you out by name
I want you to know
I walk past
Not even feeling a thing

I smile and keep my head
Held high in the Skye
I did my dirt
it's over now

But I still think about things
Like damn...
it's straight though
I fucked up

Did you the worst; then cheated
I can't forgive myself
Son no matter what
I hold myself to a higher standard

I never thought in a million years
I'd be the nigga
Fucking over someone
And destroying things

I prayed to god for this
Yea we friends now
But damn nigga
This shit hurt so bad

So I know if I feel like shit
Then I can only imagine
What you felt
And what you were going through

While playing detective
Ms. Sherlock Holmes
Head ass
You're my friend

But I swear it feels like
Shit will never
To what we had

Fuck it...
Just don't take it out
On the nigga in the near future

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