Question Mark

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Question... mark
I often question
So at first you closed your eyes
And lived that lie
Till you found another
Rock to bury yourself under
You changed from
Dark colors
Like black and doodoo green
To vibrate
To the coldest of blues
We went from
Rocking like no other
To flip flopping
Ieft blowing in wind
Like a leaf
Plucked from a tree
To only float in the darkest of nights sky's 🌌
To landing on the wet undertow
Of her deepest ocean 🌊
I often saw you lurking
In the shadows
Eyes so intense
It's like they're drop kicking your soul
Into a vortex
I sat as quietly as possible
Waiting for you to play peak a boo
But when I finally saw you
It's like those dark thundering clouds
That loomed didn't move
Instead they grew
They've gotten so heavy
As if you built
Block upon block
Then loaded it upon my cheats
You sly fox you
You took all my eggs in the basket
And now I'm here again left with nothing

~ Darryelle A. Wilkerson
May Monday 1, 2017

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