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Do not fall in love
Especially with people like me

I'll tell you how special you are
Break down every wall
You'll tell me every little secret
And when I'm gone

You'll replay our moments
In your mind...
Like trailers to a movie

I will take you everywhere
Just to show you off as my trophy
I'll kiss every inch of your body
Because to me it's beautiful

I'll find beauty in all your flaws
& protect you from life's harms
I'll hold your hand
& urge you on when needed

Do not fall in love
Especially with people like me

Because you'll go
To every place we've kissed
& taste my lips
Like freshly baked sugar cookies

I will destroy you
In the most beautiful ways
Open you up
Like flowers blooming in the spring

I'll go into detail
Everyday about how beautiful you are
Describing all your flaws
As perfection

Call you everyday
Text you every night
Write you poems
& whisper sweet nothings in your ears

I'll cherish everyday
Because no day is promised
Not to mention thank god
For sending me someone
As special as you

Do not fall in love
Especially with people like me

I'll listen to all your problems
Baby you
Because your my princess
& promise to always make you smile

Meeting you was fate
Becoming your friend was choice
& falling was beyond our control
But what happens next
Solely up to us

I'll look you dead in your eyes
Grab your hand
Lick my lips
Pull you close

Turn you round'
& whisper dirty secrets into your ear
Tempting you
Teasing your body
Making goose bumps appear

I am bad for you
Because I'll make you happy
Please you sexually
And make your legs quiver for more

Now you've been warned
Don't be a fool

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