No sleep

40 3 0

At the moment
I'm sitting Indian style
In the center of my bed
Every thought or feeling i felt was right

I can't seem to get my mind straight
Right or tight
So instead Ima entertain
The BS
That surrounds me

From exs
To friends
To the silly little hoes
You swore were in my ear

Yea it's a tad bit childish
But the mute button seems to be broken
Because I keep hearing
Ya voice in my ear

Little but loud

I started to let my walls down
... Giving myself
A little more each time
I opened my mouth

I got a trust problem
Some would say worse then yours
Not near one of them
Is you
So there's nothing to question

But the moment I laid eyes on you
I just knew

I'm hurt
A tad bit crushed
Pushed away

How about thrown away

I only wanted your attention
Just some affection
Time... a Little effort
N damn how about some credit

I was far from ya exs
You couldn't love ya self
So I did
Found the beauty

In every flaw
Kissed every inch of your body
Hell I only wish
You see what I saw

I was falling
It feels like an eternity
Because when I close my eyes

I can't sleep
And when I'm awake
I dream about you

I was talking to a mutual friend
I got so irritated
My eyes started burning
My heart started thumping

N all I could think
Is please just answer my calls
You watch all my shit
Read all my writings

Y'all aren't good for each other
She says
Y'all argue
N fight
Imagine how'd it'd be once y'all
Dotted ya I's & Crossed ya T's

She didn't understand
Once you've tasted the forbidden fruit
Every thought
Doesn't come close to what you've had

There's a reason I hand picked you
Out of a billion
I see things you couldn't
N probably wouldn't

I stayed up all times of night
To hear you sleep
Your breathing a soothing lullaby
To me

I'm greedy
I only want you to myself
When I realized the thought
Was far fetched

I went through our texts
Read us cover to cover
Then slide the button
It hurt too much to see you

Every time I opened my messages
Knowing damn well none were from you
I'm not prideful
But damn Do i feel stupid

I had a feeling
N damn I was spot on
Cuz here I go listening to all these
Sad ass love songs

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