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Imagine the day
Without the light

Your head tilted to the sky
& my lips pressed against yours
As I hold onto you tight

I'd like to call that
A piece of my heaven
My worlds constantly changing
But my heads tight on my shoulders
Something that sounds so right

I close my eyes envisioning you
In the night
Skin glowing something slight

If only we can be strangers again
If only I can kiss your lips
& hold your hand

A wish
That lingers
Hidden in the back right hand corner
Of my mind

A thought
Turned into a dream
Which will be my reality
I pray for a lifetime

Your the air that fills my lungs
The skip in my hop
The hop in my jump
& the jump in my slow stride

No ones broken down my walls
Opened my eyes
And breathed this air

This air that feels like light

She says her beauties are dead
But nothings really dead
Especially if you look at it just right

See I'm scared because
I don't feel as if I'm the marrying type
I break hearts
Hurt feelings
& kill kids dreams in the light

See I'm afraid
That once I do commit
I'll lose the feeling
Hold a grudge
And build bricks to the sky

I've lived with locks
Around my heart for years
Scabs that started to heal
Ripped from my flesh
Left me bleeding
In need of some act right

What am I to do
I can't predict the future
If I could
I would've dodge all the
Fuck boys
And bitches

I would've switched up
& waited for the right one

The sky's too blue
Don't get me wrong
I know you're hurting too

I see the pain in your eyes
When you smile
The hatred in your heart
When you cry

I know you're dying inside
I'm here to help find your light
Friends or lovers

A label put on something
To define what's clearly
Because it's neither black nor white

It matters when your heads dragging
Or when it's held up high
Please baby don't cry

She needs you
Like we need the sun to rise
So we know that's it's daytime
He needs me like
I need Jesus

I'm dying
Can't you see
My pigmentation lightening

I drop to my knees
Energy seeping through my pores
Like sweat in the summer

She's dripping wet
But her heart won't let her succumb
To her needs

She's clenching her legs
As you lick your lips
& speak her name

I want her to have that
I'm sophisticated,
Street smart,
Savage thing

That makes you stop & stare
That I'm a queen
Mind over matter
Young one...


Step back & restart
Not a damn thing in life comes easy

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