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I think my mirror is broken
Cause when I look in it
All I see is a person
That's confident & outspoken
Funny thing is I never speak out
I look for a way to sneak out
So confident I am not
Well, I think my mirror is broken
It's showing me this great guy
Smile A1 It must be a joke
Swear my mirror
Has a wicked sense of humor
Fact that my reflection mocks me
Stay on my mind like a massive tumor
I need that surgery
Mirror cutting like a knife
Into my soul
Words tearing me apart
From the inside out
I think my mirror is broken
Take a look & see for yourself
I look so confident
In reality I'm choking
On the outside I laugh and smile
Inside I am a rage I am the shout
I wouldn't do anything
Unless it's the easy way out
Cause I'm a quitter
I skipped the one hit, I just quit
This used to be a joke
Just tossed among friends
But the joke became truth
Then reality set in
I am a quitter
I'm pretty good at it too
I think my mirror is broken
It's not cracked or scarred in any way
but the reflection is shattered
Its showing things that aren't true
Showing a good guy
Doing things that I cant do
Or maybe I can
I just choose not too
The mirror can't possibly be true
Cause in reality..
I'm not confident
I'm not outspoken
I lurk in the shadows
Only to jump out in the night
only time I can speak
Is when I'm joking
That's what I'm good at
Finding the light
To avoid the fright
I can't admit it
Cause I'll probably quit it
I think my mirror is broken
It's so broke it's really difficult to see,
But maybe it's not the mirror that's broke, maybe it's..... Me

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