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Lacey's POV

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Lacey's POV

The door bell rings as I make my way to the kitchen. I change my destination and turn around to go to the living room. I open the front door and someone runs in pulling me inside with them.

"Hey lace!" The girl says. She has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. She's wearing a really cute sundress with white lace ballet flats.

"Hey Hope! What's up?" I say pulling her upstairs to my room.

"Nothing really. You should come over to my house and help me choose an outfit for tomorrow!"

I nod and put on my shoes. Tomorrow is the first day of high school. We'll be freshman and we're both really nervous.

We walk to her house which is down the street. She unlocks her door and we walk into her kitchen. Her mom is on the phone sitting at the table with papers everywhere. This is the first I've seen her mom here. Her mom and dad are always working.

Her mom looks up and sees us then hurries off her phone.

"Hi girls how are you?"

"We're fine mom. How long are you gonna stay here?" Hope asks with a bright smile on her face.

She loves when her mom and dad stay home for weeks. Even if it's just for one day.

"Oh honey I'm sorry. Your dad and I have a business trip so we're leaving in a few minutes. We won't be back until next month. So you have to stay with Lacey. Love you. Make sure to lock the door when you leave." She walks out the kitchen and we hear the front door slam closed and a car drive away.

I look over at Hope and see tears fall down her face. I pull her into a hug. She hugs me tightly and sobs into my shoulder.

"Don't worry Hope you have my mom. And you know my mom loves you like her own daughter." She nods and stops crying. She wipes her face then takes a few deep breathes before she starts to talk.

"Thanks. You know you're like a sister to me." She smiles. "Now let's go pick out an outfit for me to wear tomorrow!"

We spend an hour trying to figure out what she should wear. Finally we pick out a red halter top with a white jacket, white skinny jeans, and converse.

"And wear your hair in a high ponytail." I tell her. She nods while still looking through her closet.

"What are you looking for? I thought we already had something for you?"

"Exactly... now we need something for you."

"Oh no no no no no! I'm fine with my clothes thank you very much."

She turns around and frowns at me.

"No offense boo but we're going to high school tomorrow. You need to wear cool cute clothes. Not that." She grimaces and turns back around looking in her closet.

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