Who Are You

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Jase's POV

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Jase's POV

It's been over four months and Lacey is still in a coma. She broke her right leg, 2 ribs, and her left arm in the crash. She has a lot of cuts and bruises. It doesn't seem like she's waking up anytime soon. The doctors said they don't know if she will wake up. If she doesn't by tomorrow then they have to cut the plug. You know... And so now everyone's praying and hoping she wakes up. I can't live without my princess.

Speaking of princesses... My other princess, Ivy, is eight months now. Ivy is asleep in the crib the hospital set up in Lacey's room. I requested it because I want Ivy to be able to sleep when I'm with Lacey.

Ivy giggles as she wakes up. I walk over to the crib and take her out.

"Hey daddy's little girl. You see that woman right there." I point to Lacey and see Ivy look over and say something in baby talk. She can't speak right now but I'm trying to get her to say dada.

"Yeah her. Well I really like her. But I messed up. Then she messed up. I don't know when she's going to wake up. I just hope she does because I really miss her. I need her."

Ivy tries to get out of my arms and reaches for Lacey. I put Ivy down beside Lacey's head no where near a cord that she can pull. She plays with Lacey's hair and giggles. Her hands touch Lacey's cheek and Lacey's heart monitor jumps a little but her face remains emotionless.

Whoa weird.

"Okay let's say bye bye to  princess-" The heart monitor jumps again, "now and take you to see your grandma and grandpa." I put Ivy in a baby carrier and put it down for a second.

"I'll be back princess. I love you." I kiss her forehead and the heart monitor jumps loudly and fast.

The doctor comes rushing in.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The monitor is jumping because she can hear what you're saying and that means that she is about to wake up from the coma."

Lacey's POV

I wake up to the sound of a baby giggling and a guy talking. I can't move yet or respond but I can hear  and feel them.

"Hey daddy's little girl. You see that woman right there." I hear the guy say in a deep husky voice.

Wow he sounds hot. Anyways...

"Yeah her. Well I really like her. But I messed up. Then she messed up. I don't know when she's going to wake up. I just hope she does because I really miss her. I need her."

He's talking about me and him. Aww what happened?

I hear him put a baby beside my head and feel the baby playing with my hair. Aw this is probably a sweet baby. I can tell. I feel the baby touch my cheeks and my heart jumps a little from being surprised.

"Okay let's say bye bye to  princess-" my heart jumps as I hear him say princess. "now and take you to see your grandma and grandpa." I hear him put away things as pick up the baby.

No don't go away!

"I'll be back princess. I love you." My heart skips a beat and pounds in my chest loudly and fast.

He loves me. Who is he? I doze off to sleep dreaming about the mystery guy.

2 hours later

"Aw she fell back asleep." I hear a girl whine.

I slowly open my eyes and get used to the lights in the room I'm in. I'm in a hospital bed with a cast on my right leg and left arm. What did I do?

I look up to see a whole crowd of people staring at me some crying. It looks like tears of joy.

Wow either I'm really popular or these people are in the wrong room.

There's a tall mixed guy who looks my age and looks like me. Then beside him is a small older woman maybe in her high 40's with black hair and brown eyes. She's white and looks like the guy. So his dad must be black and her husband. Beside the woman is a girl my age with green eyes and red hair and a guy with green eyes and blonde hair. They look like twins. Then theirs a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. Also there's a Hispanic boy my age with dark brunette hair and brown eyes. Then a man almost the older woman's age who is white with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. Then a woman beside him, probably his wife, with brown hair and brown eyes. She looks Hispanic. Lastly there's a mixed boy my age. He's tan with dirty blonde and hazel eyes. And in his hands is a dark haired baby girl with hazel eyes.

"Oh my baby! I missed you so much!" The older woman, with no husband, runs up to me and gently but tightly hugs me. I use one hand to slightly but awkwardly pat her back.

"Are you okay honey?" She asks me.

"I'm sorry lady. Not to be rude or anything but... Who are you?"



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