Photoshoot For O!RUL8,2?

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I helped Mi Ho-unni sort out the outfits she found for the album jacket. I said, "These outfits are really nice."

Mi Ho-unni smiled, "I did receive some help from Namjoon and Jin-oppa."

I laughed, "You know, I never asked your birthday."

"March 4, 1993," Mi Ho-unni told me.

I looked at her with wide eyes, "Really? Then we're actually the same age. Why did you let me call you Unni?"

"Well, I have worked at Big Hit since 2010, but at the time, I was just an office clerk. Then when you arrived, Bang PD-nim gave me the stylist job for BTS. I guess you can say, I'm here because of you," Mi Ho-unni explained.

I smiled, "You must've have studied fashion for a long time."

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "Ever since I was a child, then I went to beauty school. Majoring in Fashion Merchandising."

I laughed, "Well, nice to meet you, Elle Woods."

"Hey, I'm not trying to change myself for a man, thank you very much," she told me.

Minho-sunbae looking at the outfits, "These look really good. I might need to go shopping with you."

I smiled, "Let's all go on a shopping trip together one day."

Then BTS walked in, "Good morning."

We all answered, "Good morning. Let's do this."

We immediately got to work. Hobi smiled, "No mask this time, Noona?"

I shook my head, "No mask. The A.R.M.Ys need to see this handsome face."

Hobi laughed at that comment. I finished with him, then Yoongi sat down. I smiled, "How are you feeling today?"

"I look like a housewife with this bandana tied this way," he bluntly told me.

I laughed, "One day, you'll have your hat back. Until then, the brightness of this hair color needs to show."

"Promise?" Yoongi asked me. He looks so cute right now.

I smiled, "I promise."

I finished his face and Jungkook sat down after him. I smiled, "You've grown so much since I first met you."

Jungkook looked at me, "Really, Noona?"

"Yes, you've gotten taller. I may have to stop calling you Kookie," I told him.

Jungkook gave me a sad face, "No, Noona. I'll always be your Kookie."

I laughed, "Alright, I'll remember that when you break into the American market."

"Do you think we will?" Jungkook asked.

"I believe you will," I told him.

I finished with him and Taehyung sat in the chair. He said, "When will you let me take you out, Noona?"

"What would Bang PD-nim say, Taehyung?" I asked him.

He whispered, "He doesn't have to know."

That smirk screamed trouble, so I replied, "No, Taehyung. One day, you'll find someone you don't work with that you'll like and she'll be closer to your age."

He gave me a sad aegyo face, but I've grown accustomed to it now. I finished with him, then Namjoon sat down. He asked, "Was Taehyung giving you a hard time?"

I shook my head, "Not really. He just needs to find a girl his own age or younger to flirt with, that's all."

Namjoon laughed, "By that time, we'll probably be too busy to do so."

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