Blood, Sweat, and Tears Day 2

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It is officially the second day of shooting. Jin-oppa didn't have to be there because we shot all of his solo scenes yesterday. While we were preparing the guys for their scenes, other staff members were getting the sets ready for all the scenes today. I was in charge of Yoongi today, but Yoongi was shockingly alert this time. While I was fixing his hair, I said, "I know the coffee wasn't that good. What has you awake this time?"

He looked up at me and smiled, "It was the coffee. Your coffee is the best."

I laughed, "What if I was to stop?"

Yoongi pouted, "You would deprive me of your great coffee? I'm hurt."

I laughed even harder, "Don't worry. I won't keep you from the coffee. Just don't get so full of caffeine that you're shaking."

He smiled and I said, "Alright, to Mi Ho-unni now."

I looked at Jimin who was getting prepared by Somi-unni. I couldn't help but notice how thin he's gotten recently. I've seen the comments online, even the ones written in English and I know that Jimin takes everything to heart, but that doesn't mean he should give in to every little thing that so-called fans say. Once he was done, I walked with Jimin to blindfold him. Jimin looked at me and asked, "Are you alright, Noona? You look sad."

I looked at him and shook my head, "I'll be fine. We'll need to talk after the shooting if you're alright with that."

Jimin nodded, "Alright, Noona."

Then I blindfolded him so he can act his scene. I personally worried about this because I thought he would trip and fall. When he stopped a take, he lifted the blindfold from one eye and saw my worried face. He smiled, "I'm fine, Noona."

After one more take, Jimin joins me for the green tear makeup. I laugh and say, "I always knew you weren't human."

Jimin laughed and we waited for Yoongi to finish shooting his scene. I smiled because he did his scene more than once the same way. During a short break, he looked at me and gave me a finger heart. I pretended to grab it and hug it. Jimin gave me a playful pout, "What if that was for me, Noona?"

I chuckled, "If it was for you, I would've moved out of the way."

After that, Jimin joined Yoongi on set for their set. Yoongi is supposed to cover Jimin's eyes with the blindfold. Yoongi put it around Jimin's neck and asked, "Is this how it's done?"

I shook my head, "Are you trying to rob us of a member?"

Yoongi looked at Jimin and gave him a teasing smile, "Be thankful you have Eunji here to protect you."

After that exchange, Yoongi messed up the placement of the blindfold twice before managing to cover Jimin's eyes. After that, Jimin is able to go home. I said, "Remember, we have something to discuss when I get back."

Jimin nodded and gave me a hug, "Alright. See you later, Noona."

Once Jimin walked away, Yoongi asked, "What do you need to discuss with Jimin?"

I looked him in the eyes and retorted, "Jimin is getting dangerously thin and it's time I intervened."

Yoongi nodded and hugged me, "Because you're seeing yourself in him?"

I nodded, "I am and I don't want him to get himself hurt as I did."

Yoongi kissed my forehead, then said, "Just don't be too harsh. Unlike me, he's more sensitive."

I laughed, then it was time to film Namjoon's scene. He started off by rapping his lines in the song, then he had to drink "absinthe". I'm thankful that it wasn't real because the real stuff is disgusting. Namjoon laughed, "Afraid I was going to get drunk on set, Eunji-noona?"

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