Yoongi and Eunji Talk Again/Taehyung's Cut and Color Correction

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I heard a knock on the door. I looked the eyehole and saw Yoongi. I opened the door and let him in. We sat down on opposite couches. We're only 2 feet away from each other, but one could sense the tension without much effort. He picked up a glass of wine and said, "Is this when you finally kill me?"

I chuckled, then picked up the other glass, "As tempting as that would've been for 16-year-old me, no. I want to talk to you about the bouts of jealousy you try to hide behind being a sloth."

He took a sip, then he said, "Define bouts of jealousy."

I took a sip of wine, then explained, "Every time I hug a fellow member of yours, when Kai tried to steal me away twice, when me and Jimin did the partner dance, and recently when I was helping Taemin. As I have told you in the past, I'm a big girl. I can tell when someone has ulterior motives."

He scoffed, "So are you calling me jealous or overprotective?"

I looked him in the eye, "Both. You're not my appa, my oppa, and you're not my boyfriend. Either stick with being my friend or make an effort to handle the constant changes that will happen in our line of work."

I took another sip of wine, then he started to laugh. I said, "What's so funny?"

"You haven't scolded me in a long time. I kind of miss it," he replied.

I scoffed, "Is something wrong with Jin-oppa scolding you?"

"He's an eomma," he retorted bluntly.

"Aw, does Yoongi need a hug?" I asked with a bit of aegyo.

Yoongi sighed, "You know I can't resist that."

I kept going until he smiled, "Fine, I could use a hug."

I walked over to him and hugged him. I smiled, "It's alright to express your feelings outside of music as well, you know."

He chuckled, "But music is where I do that the best."

I was about to let go, but he held me tighter. He said, "I just don't want you to leave me. Ever. I know I don't really deserve it given that I left you behind, but that's why I tend to show animosity towards other men."

I laughed, "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not leaving you."

He smiled at that, "Thanks, Eunji-ah."

"No problem," I answered.

Then Mi Ho-unni walked out, "Well, I'm glad you guys made up. Believe it or not, the whole room can tell when there's tension in the air between you two."

Yoongi nodded, "I'll keep that in mind. I better be headed out then."

I smiled, "Good night, Yoongi."

He smiled back, "Goodnight, Eunji. Goodnight, Mi Ho."

Mi Ho-unni responded, "Goodnight, Yoongi."

When he closed the door behind him, Mi Ho-unni chuckled, "And that was the perfect chance to kiss him."

I shook my head, "That was the last thing on my mind. I just wanted to take care of the tension."

Mi Ho-unni nodded, "I guess I can respect that."

The next day, me and Minho-oppa were waiting on Taehyung. I smiled, "After this, he's never touching my cutting shears ever again."

Minho-oppa laughed, "He scared you that much, huh?"

I looked at him, "Yes, he did. When I saw a small part of his bangs fall, I was ready to cry along with him."

Then Taehyung and Jimin walked in. I laughed, "Good morning, guys."

They said in unison, "Good morning, Noona. Good morning, Hyung."

I smiled, "Minho-oppa, I believe you're up first."

He nodded, "Alright, let's correct this haircut, Taehyung."

Taehyung sat down in his chair. I asked, "So, the next comeback is War of Hormone, right, Jimin?"

He nodded, "Yes. I was wondering if you wanted to film the dance practice."

I smiled, "Me? Why me?"

"After we watched the Bangtan Bomb you filmed for Yoongi-hyung's birthday, everyone, including our performance director, agreed that they wanted you to film it," Jimin explained.

I nodded, "I would be honored."

Minho-oppa declared, "And it's done!"

I looked at him and smiled, "It looks great. I would personally stop right here, but you also wanted a different color."

He nodded, "Yes, Noona."

He sat down in my chair and I started on the color. Taehyung asked me, "So, what color are you doing, Noona?"

I smiled, "It's a surprise."

Taehyung pouted at me. I shook my head, "It'll be alright, Taehyung."

"Say, Noona, you speak very well. Are you sure you're from Daegu?" Taehyung asked.

I laughed, then I let my accent slip, "Don't let the proper talk fool ya. My eomma just didn't want me soundin' like I had no trainin'."

(A/N: I'm pretty sure that's not how people from Daegu sound LOL. I was just having fun with it.)

Taehyung laughed, "Now I believe you, Noona."

Jimin was rolling on the couch with laughter. Then I saw Yoongi's head pop into the door, "What's so funny?"

Jimin took a deep breath, then explained, "Noona's satoori."

Yoongi laughed, "I'll admit it is funny hearing your satoori because most of the time, it only pops up when you're flustered, tired, or surprised."

I gave him a look, "That's why you loved surprising me. Taehyung, it's time to let this process."

I placed a cap over his head to let the color process. He sat down next to Jimin. I looked at Yoongi's hair and said, "I'm honestly surprised the color has held up so well. Have you actually listened to me about hair care?"

Yoongi made a funny face, "What are you, my friend or my eomma?"

Minho-oppa chuckled. Yoongi said, "So what do you plan on doing with the rest of us?"

I smiled, "Nothing. None of you had a hair mishap on set."

He let out a sigh of relief, "Good. I was about to tell you to shave my hair so m hair could catch a break."

I laughed, then said, "Taehyung, I need to wash your hair out."

Taehyung looked up from whatever he was looking at on his phone and nodded. He went to the sink and I began shampooing his hair. Taehyung groaned in satisfaction, "Are you sure you can't live with us?"

"I'm fine with living across from you guys. If I lived with you, that would create a shift in the balance," I explained.

Yoongi gave me a small smile, "I couldn't agree more."

After I shampooed his hair, I applied the conditioner. Minho-oppa said, "I would live with you guys, but I enjoy my privacy a little too much."

Yoongi asked, "Can I live with you, Hyung?"

Minho-oppa chuckled, "No thanks, Yoongi. I would bore you to tears."

Yoongi chuckled, then I rinsed out Taehyung's conditioner and proceeded to style his hair. I said, "I love this cut, Minho-oppa. It's versatile."

He smiled, "That's what I was going for."

I smiled, "I'm done!"

Taehyung looked in the mirror and gave us his boxy smile, "Thank you, Noona and Hyung."

"No problem, Taehyung," MInho-oppa answered.

I smiled at him. I couldn't be more than ready to film the dance practice for War of Hormone.

And that's the chapter! I pray that everyone is doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, I'm loving JHope's mixtape!

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