Young Forever Photo Shoot Pt. 2

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The next morning, we arrived on set for the second day of shooting and we were getting the guys ready. The hardest one to keep awake was Jungkook, so Minho-oppa had to hold his head upright. Once we were done getting everyone ready, they got into position for the group shot. I believe it came out well, then Jin-oppa started the first round of solo shots. Mi Ho-unni was undressing him with her eyes the whole time. I laughed, then when Jin-oppa was done, he winked at Mi Ho-unni.

She looked away smirking, "If he's trying to drive me crazy, it's working."

I chuckled, "I thought you would be used to him by now."

Mi Ho-unni looked at me, "I was, until he became a blonde. Now I have to get used to him again."

Then it was Namjoon's turn. I could tell he was trying to portray the feelings of a young boy, but I wasn't complaining. Then I noticed him touching his hair. I asked, "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head and smiled, "I like the color now that I washed it once."

I smiled, "Well, I'm glad you're satisfied with it now."

Next up was Hobi and he seemed like he was having a good time. I noticed that Jungkook was asleep in his chair waiting for his turn. When Hobi was done, I had to wake up Jungkook. I said while gently shaking his shoulders, "Kookie, it's time for your photos."

He groaned, but he got up and got in front of the camera. Despite his sleepiness, he was able to work. Up next was Yoongi and he was quiet throughout his shoot which surprised me since he usually wants to impress me with his wit. Then it was time for Taehyung to start. I'll admit that I like the hair color on him. Once he was done, he asked me, "Noona, I'm still your favorite vocalist, right?"

I chuckled, "You're all my favorite."

He pouted at me, "I'll have to work harder to become your favorite."

I smiled and waited on Jimin to arrive on set since he was last in shooting solo shots. Sometimes I wish he didn't look so cute because it makes me want to shield him from the evils of the world, but I know that I can't. After that, everyone was on the hot air balloon again. Jin-oppa and Hobi weren't thrilled by this, but they had to shake it off for now. Then Yoongi waved at me. I scoffed, "Now he acknowledges me for the first time today."

Minho-oppa chuckled, "When I was styling his hair, he seemed more tired than usual. Maybe he just needed some time to warm up."

I nodded, "I hope that was the case."

Once they were done with the hot air balloon, we had to move closer to the mountain for the last scene. Once we arrived, we started with Hobi, Jimin, and Namjoon for a trio shoot. After that, everyone else took some photos together. We were through faster than we thought and everyone was thrilled, even Yoongi who actually smiled a bit. While we were packing, Yoongi gave me a back hug. I looked at him, "Now you want attention, you clingy cat?"

"I was still sleepy," he told me.

"Even when you're sleepy, you have enough brain function to crack a joke," I replied.

I finished packing up my stuff and we went to the airport to return to Seoul. I was practically itching to get on a plane because there were too many fan girls around for my liking. Thankfully, I wasn't standing near Yoongi otherwise that would be another mess I'd rather not be a part of. When we got on the plane, I was ready to fall asleep until Yoongi sat next to me. I looked at him, "Are you sure that's okay?"

He smiled, "It's a private plane. Plus, we don't have to hide from the staff, remember?"

I shook my head, but I smiled. During the ride, we were just relaxing and not speaking much. Then we heard on the intercom, "We will be arriving in Seoul in 5 minutes."

I sighed, "Good. My bed is calling me."

"Isn't it calling both of us?" Yoongi asked me.

I looked at me, "Every time you come over, it's a miracle if we get any sleep at all."

He smirked at me, "I promise that I won't keep you up this time."

I shook my head, "You said that last time and I ended up having to put more makeup on my neck than usual."

He just smiled, then the plane landed in Seoul. Once we left the airport, we went back home. Of course Yoongi joined me in my room once we got cleaned up and ready for bed. While we were laying down, I said, "Please don't try anything."

"So I can't hold you?" he asked with a slight whine in his voice.

I chuckled, "You're allowed to do that. I'm not that cruel."

Since I wasn't facing him, I turned around so he can hold me while we were facing each other. I pecked his lips and said, "Good night."

He pouted, "You call that a good night kiss?"

I sighed, then kissed him passionately. Before he could do anything, I pulled away and said, "Good night, Yoongi."

He smiled, "Good night, Eunji."

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I pray that everyone is having a great Easter holiday for those who celebrate Easter. I pray that you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Here's the photo shoot!

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