I Need You + First M!Countdown Win

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We're at M!Countdown for the I Need U promotions. I was doing Yoongi's makeup and hair, not that he needed much makeup since this comeback called for a more natural look. I said, "This will be an interesting day."

Yoongi looked at me and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, Big Bang and EXID perform today. It'll be great," I explained.

He smiled at me, "Don't ever change, Eunji-ah."

I left to grab some water for the guys, put the bottles in a basket with a lid, then I ran into a hard chest. I would've fell if strong arms didn't catch me. I looked up and I was shocked. It's TOP for Big Bang!

He asked me, "Are you alright?"

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He asked me, "Are you alright?"

I nodded and said, "I'm sorry. I should've been more careful."

He shook his head and smiled, "It's alright. No harm, no foul."

He bowed and walked away. I walked back to the dressing room. Namjoon noticed the shock on my face and asked, "Are you alright, Eunji-noona?"

I put the water down and said, "I ran into TOP from Big Bang. Literally."

Mi Ho-unni ran over to me and whispered in my ear, "Is he as handsome up close as he is on TV?"

I nodded, "More so."

She gave me a grin, then Minho-oppa said, "Alright, it's time to go on stage."

The guys stood up and walked toward the stage. As soon as the guys were walking on stage, I noticed Yoongi didn't seem too pleased. Oh my goodness, how jealous can this guy get? Since another group was on the stage, I was able to do something for Yoongi so he at least looked pleasant on stage. I touched the back of his neck and whispered, "He'll never be you, Yoongi."

 He smiled at me and squeezed my hand. Once they had to step on stage, I went back to the dressing room and sat between Minho-oppa and Mi Ho-unni. Mi Ho-unni asked, "So, about TOP..."

I said, "I face planted on his chest and he caught me before I fell."

Mi Ho-unni put her hands over her heart, "Such a gentleman."

Then their performance was playing.

(A/N: Imagine that they went backstage for quick changes.)

We enjoyed every moment of it. Then, Namjoon pulled me to the side and said, "Thanks."

I was confused, "For what?"

"For getting Suga-hyung to calm down. That wouldn't have gone as well as it did," he explained.

I smiled, "You're welcome."

I walked over to Yoongi and I smiled. He said, "He'll never be me, huh?"

I chuckled, "He won't because he's older than me by a decade and he doesn't come to my place to sleep."

He pinched my side and I said, "Enough of that mess!"

Of course my accent slipped again and I got looks from Jin-oppa and Hobi. Hobi said, "How cute!"

I shook my head, then looked at Yoongi, "Are you that bored, Yoongi?"

"How can I be bored when I have you to entertain me?" he answered with a smile.

I said, "Shouldn't you be hydrating?"

I handed him a bottle of water. He smirked at me and I walked away, rolling my eyes. Mi Ho-unni whispered, "I don't know who's more whipped, him or you?"

"If anything, Unni, I will whip him for the use of his tongue," I whispered back.

"Ooh, who knew you were a dominatrix?" she whispered playfully.

I gave her a playful glare, then the guys had to go back on stage to hear who won a trophy. After seeing the results, BTS got it! I hugged Mi Ho-unni and Minho-oppa close. Minho-oppa chuckled, "I'm proud of them, too."

Then for the encore performance, we saw them applying lipstick. I said, "Wait a minute."

I looked inside the makeup kit and indeed, two tubes of red lipstick were missing. I sighed, "I'm about to smack them all."

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "Punish them later."

They sang, then they came back celebrating. I looked at them, "Congratulations, guys. Just for future reference, ask me before you pull anything from the makeup case."

They all nodded, then Jimin engulfed me into a hug. I can tell he's been crying from happiness, so I just let it happen. He said, "Thank you, Noona."

I smiled, "You're welcome."

He shook his head, "No, for always being there for Yoongi-hyung. He seems less stressed out whenever you're around."

I was shocked once again. I knew he worked hard, but I had no idea how stressed he was. While we were leaving, I saw TOP again with G Dragon. Our eyes met and he said, "Hello, there. Are you alright now."

I nodded, "Yes, I am."

Then G Dragon bowed and said, "Hello, there. I've heard good things about you, Park Eunji."

There's no end to all the surprises. I asked, "How do you know my name?"

"I saw you and Hyung's rather close meeting, also BTS is really making waves. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with and I would love to work with you one day, Eunji-ssi."

I smiled, "It would be an honor."

As they walked away, I was excited. I saw the looks on all the guys' faces and said, "Oh, wipe your eyes. How many times do I have to remind you silly men that I'm not going anywhere?"

We made it to the van and I was sitting between Yoongi and Namjoon and Mi Ho-unni was beside Jin-oppa, fast asleep on his shoulder. I had to remove the lipstick off of Yoongi's chin with a makeup wipe. I told him, "You've seen me apply lipstick for years and you still miss? Have I taught you nothing?"

When we got back, Jin-oppa had to carry Mi Ho-unni to her room. I said, "Thanks for that. I wouldn't been able to carry her."

He smiled at me, "No problem, Eunji-ah."

When he left, Yoongi remained. I asked, "Is there something else you need, Yoongi?"

"Can you please remove the rest of the makeup on my face?" he asked.

I smiled, "Sure."

I went to the bathroom and picked up the makeup wipes. When I came back, he was sitting on the couch. I sat down and began removing it. There wasn't much to remove, but I didn't mind. Once I was done, I smiled, "Done."

He chuckled, "Now, I remove yours."

I gave him a questioning look, "You don't have to do that."

"I know. That's why I'm doing it," he answered.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I pray you're doing well. This interaction will continue in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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