Girls' Day

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After the Melon Music Awards, Bang PD-nim was kind enough to give us the day off. Before Mi Ho-unni woke up, I cooked us a meal.

She walked in and said, "That smells good

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She walked in and said, "That smells good. Is that for me?"

I chuckled, "It's for both of us, given that Bang PD-nim gave us the day off."

Mi Ho-unni smiled, "Finally! I haven't had a moment to myself since he hired me!"

I giggled. At first we ate in silence, then Mi Ho-unni asked, "How are things between you and Yoongi?"

I looked up, "It's like we never separated. If anything, we're closer than ever."

"Now, that I believe," Mi Ho-unni replied with a knowing grin.

I playfully glared at her, "There's practically no way we're ever getting together. He's always composing music and I'm always working on new looks for the group."

Mi Ho-unni guffaws, "Excuses! That's all I'm hearing. Just pounce on him already."

I looked down at my plate, "I might have already have."

Mi Ho-unni leaned closer to me, "Oh? What happened?"

"After you called me about the Melon Music Awards announcement, I jumped on Yoongi hugging him. He had a shocked look on his face. I thought it was the announcement, but it was because I was straddling his thighs," I explained.

Mi Ho-unni laughed at that, "Well, look at you. You've made the first step."

"It wasn't intentional," I told her.

"It doesn't matter. Unless he touches another woman, you'll be the last one he'll think about," she told me.

I chuckled, "While you're talking about me, what about you and Jin-sunbae?"

She looked away with stars in her eyes, "When he lifted me in the air, I could've died happy right then and there."

I laughed, "I honestly thought I lost you last night."

We finished our meal and I looked at my closet. I said, "There are so many things I don't wear. I need to give away so things."

Mi Ho-unni said, "Do I hear the words, "give away"?

I smiled, "Yes, Unni. I need to give some clothes away. A good portion of these clothes I haven't worn in years. Thankfully, I never had to keep my uniform from school."

She smiled at me, "How about this? You pull out the clothes you know you haven't worn in 6 months and bring them out here."

I nodded, then proceeded to do just that. I had more clothes that I don't wear than I thought. After folding all the clothes, I brought them to the living room area. Mi Ho-unni looked at everything and said, "I know a clothes drive not too far from here. Let's load it up."

We found one of my baskets and loaded the clothes in that. We took a train to the place she was talking about. We made it there and we met Mi Ho-unni's friend, Woo Sik. Mi Ho-unni said, "Hello, Woo Sik."

"Mi Ho-Noona! You have something new for today?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't, but my friend/co-worker does, Park Eunji. Eunji, Woo Sik," Mi Ho-unni introduced us.

We shook hands and I said, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. You have clothes?" He asked me.

I nodded and put the basket on the counter. He looked through the clothes and smiled, "You have really good taste in clothes. People would love your clothing."

I smiled. After we left, Mi Ho-unni said, "I'm hungry. What do you feel like eating?"

I smiled, "I haven't had a hamburger in a while. Want a hamburger?"

She laughed, "This goes against my diet, but it's my day off. I can be lenient today."

We went to a place that made hamburgers. We were in bliss. I said, "This is why I couldn't be an idol. I wouldn't be able to eat this."

Then my phone rang. It's Jungkook. I smiled, "It's Kookie."

I answered, "Hello, Kookie."

"Hey, Noona. Are you doing anything right now?" He asked.

I smiled, "I'm actually out with Mi Ho-unni."

He groaned, "We wanted to hang out with you today."

I sighed, "There's always tonight if you're not busy."

"The hyungs will be busy. Well, enjoy your day, Noonas," he replied.

"Thank you, Kookie. See you later," I retorted.

I hung up. Mi Ho-unni asked, "What did our precious maknae want?"

"He wanted to hang out. If he talked to me sooner, it probably would've happened, but he's too late," I told her.

Mi Ho-unni laughed at me. We finished our lunch, then we both went back home. I laid down because hanging out with her gave me more ideas on what to do with the boys' hair.

Hello, everyone! Sorry for the long wait, but I'm back. Next chapter will be another salon day! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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