Jungkook's Birthday Surprise

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Me and Mi Ho-unni made it to the concept shoot with the cake. Today is Jungkook's birthday and the rest of the members along with the director planned a prank. Namjoon saw us and said, "You have the cake?"

"It only cost me 15,000 won," I told him.

"I'll pay you back later," he told me.

I had one of our fellow stylists hide the cake while me and Mi Ho-unni helped Minho-sunbae get the boys and dancers ready. I noticed Jungkook was sitting by himself. I asked, "Is everything ok, Kookie?"

He looked up at me and said, "Nothing's wrong, Noona."

I could tell he was a little upset that no one wished him a Happy Birthday, but I didn't comment on it. Yoongi told me on the phone to not say anything, so I have to just continue like nothing is going on. I fixed his hair and we all walked to the set. The choreography was sharp and crisp. When the take ended, the director said, "Jungkook-a, you have to match the center."

Jungkook looked slightly irritated, but he kept going. When he got scolded at again, the guys took a small break for touch-ups and putting their costumes back on. I was touching up Jungkook's makeup when he said, "I was on the mark, Noona."

"I believe you, Kookie. You'll get this done. I know you will," I told him, handing him a bottle of water.

When he walked away, Yoongi said, "How is he?"

I looked at him, "Irritated."

"Good. That'll make this surprise worth while," he told me, smirking.

"I kind of feel bad doing this to him," I said, handing him a bottle of water.

"The worst thing he can do yell at us," he replied.

After he took a drink of water, they went back in front of the camera. Mi Ho-unni said, "Poor Jungkook. He has no idea what's going on."

"I know. Yoongi told me yesterday to not give away anything," I told her.

The members went back to dancing. Jungkook looked more focused than ever. I said to Minho-sunbae, "This is the take they will use. Just watch."

Minho-sunbae laughed, "I believe you."

Jungkook got scolded again, then everyone moved to the dressing room to "discuss" Jungkook's attitude. The Styling Trinity was out of the room to get the cake. We haven't lit the candles yet because we were waiting for the rest of the members. For about 10 minutes, the members were in deep discussion. When they stepped out, I began to light the candles. Yoongi said, "Allow me."

He held the cake. When the door opened, we all started singing "Happy Birthday". He looked very surprised then the members patted his back when he bent over. I noticed he was crying. When he calmed down a little, he blew out the candles and Mi Ho-unni took some pictures of them. Jungkook asked, "You were acting the whole time?"

Everyone apologized, including the director. Jungkook moved to the side for a moment. I said, "I'm so sorry, Kookie. I was told to not say anything about this. How are you feeling?"

"I'm vexed. I'm very vexed. Usually I can tell if they're acting. I couldn't tell at all," Jungkook said.

I hugged him, "Happy Birthday, Kookie."

He hugged me back, "Thanks, Noona."

I looked at everyone else and they were giving me knowing looks, except for Yoongi. I smiled and we continued with the shoot. When everything was finished, I went to the boys' place to cook dinner. Jin-sunbae said, "Do you know how to make seaweed soup?"

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