Fire MV Shoot Pt. 2

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Me and Mi Ho-unni got up early to freshen up and make a quick breakfast. I didn't wake up Yoongi just yet because I was still preparing the coffee. Of course I should've expected the smell of the coffee or rather the absence of my presence in the bed to wake him up because I felt his arms around my waist, "You could've woken me up."

I chuckled, "Would you have wanted to?"

"That's not important, Eunji-ah," he replied, his Daegu satoori making an appearance in that statement.

"Ok, practically married couple, we have to get moving if we're going to be on set on time," Mi Ho-unni told us, bringing me back to reality.

I nodded, "Right. We have to wake up the rest of the group."

We all ate and drank some coffee, then we left to wake up everyone else. I knocked on the door and the maknae line with their messy bedheads answered the door, "Noonas! Hyung!"

Mi Ho-unni chuckled, "Is anyone else awake?"

"Jin-hyung and Hoseok-hyung is, but Namjoon-hyung isn't," Taehyung explained.

I sighed, "Do I need to roll him out of his bed?"

"Please do," Yoongi replied with an evil smile.

"There's no need. Jin-hyung is doing that as we speak," Hobi told me while eating an apple.

Then we heard footsteps walking toward us. It was a sleepy eyed Namjoon and Jin-oppa with an annoyed expression on his face. I smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning," they replied, with Namjoon sounding groggy and Jin-oppa managing to sound somewhat chipper.

"Well, since we all awake now, we'll let you guys freshen up and we'll wait outside," Mi Ho-unni told the guys.

While the guys were getting ready inside their place, I received a text from Minho-oppa, "I'm on set and I hope you brought some rain boots, rain coat and an umbrella. It's going to be rather wet here."

I smiled, "Good thing I thought of that ahead of time."

Then the guys walked out of their place and we went downstairs to pile in the stretch van. Jimin and Jungkook claimed my sides while Taehyung and Hobi claimed Mi Ho-unni's. Namjoon sat in the passenger seat while Jin-oppa and Yoongi sat in front of me, Jimin, and Jungkook, then the other three were behind us. I looked at the two younger members next to me and they were both asleep on my shoulders in a matter of seconds. I shook my head, "That's why they claimed my sides."

I couldn't hear exactly what Yoongi mumbled, but I believe it was something about being blocked. Jin-oppa nudged him with his shoulder, "Language,"

Once we got there, the first signs of rain began to show. We quickly moved the guys to hair, makeup and wardrobe while everyone else in the production team was trying to keep any non water resistant props from getting wet. Jimin was the first member to start being filmed and I was trying my best to make sure that he didn't get wet. He told me, "It's cold, Noona."

I knew why he said that because he is wearing shorts. I replied, "It'll all be over soon, Mochi."

Once he was in front of the camera, he had to act out seeing the burning plane, even though the plane itself was CGI. I felt like a proud Noona in that moment. When everyone else was ready, they were complaining that it was cold, but they managed to keep smiling. They all gathered around for the group shot. Before cameras started rolling, we were touching up their clothes. I was helping Taehyung and Yoongi along with Somi-unni. Then it was time for Yoongi's solo scene. I was near the camera when it was being filmed. When it was time for Yoongi to climb over the fence, he struggled for a moment. After the second time, he was successful and he smiled at me. I smiled back, then Yoongi had to interact with the actor that would be set on fire, or at least his hoodie would be on fire. Both me and Yoongi were admiring the Walkman since we used to mess with my Appa's Walkman when we were younger. While I was touching up his hair, he said, "I don't think I can touch hands with anyone again."

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