Yoongi's Birthday and Mi Ho's Idea

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I arrived at Big Hit rather early. I knocked on Yoongi's door. He opened the door and smiled at me. I walked in and said, "Someone's happy."

"Well, I'm planning an important event. Will you do me the honor of filming this vlog?" Yoongi asked me.

I chuckled, "Sure."

He gave me the camera. The moment I pressed Record, Yoongi started talking about how much A.R.M.Ys and the staff has given him so much, so he decided to give back. This time, he asked me directly, "What do you think I should buy?"

"Why not something simple like a snack and drink?" I retorted.

"What do you like eating?" Yoongi asked.

I thought about it for a second, then said, "I like honey water."

He laughed at that, "I might as well get cough drops."

I raised an eyebrow, "You can buy those. People tend to get sick this time of the year."

He nodded at that, then started writing on post-its. He said, "I may need about 300 of these."

I smiled, then he moved on to some white paper. I asked him, "Doodling?"

He gave me a small laugh. I smiled, "I knew my lessons weren't going to waste."

He chuckled, then continued. He showed me the first sketch and I gushed, "That's cute!"

He then found an older picture of himself, N.O era and we both laughed. I remembered how much he hated the way the bandana was tied. After about five sketches, he shows me the final one. I nodded, "Perfect."

I turned off the camera. I smiled, "When you plan, Yoongi, you plan big."

"I don't know any other way," he responded.

The next day, we had to be at a music show, but Yoongi was still writing the post-its. Jungkook walked over and asked, "What's going on, hyung?"

Yoongi was so focused he didn't acknowledge him at all. Jungkook turned to me, "What's going on, Noona?"

I smiled, "Let's just say Yoongi is planning something big."

Later on that day, Yoongi asked for help from Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook. I smiled at this because I knew Yoongi wouldn't be able to do this on his own. The next day, another music show, Yoongi seemed confused. I asked, "Is something wrong?"

He sighed, "I've hit a wall. I'm trying to make all the post-it messages unique, but that's difficult."

I smiled, "You, one of the most recognized songwriters of our generation, are stuck?"

He chuckled at me, "You give me too much credit. I need to find some inspiration on these."

Taehyung was clueless to all of this, poor thing. The next morning, I helped the delivery man bring the honey water, Twix and Kit Kats inside the building. Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook was inside and I began to explain how this will go, "One of you will be attaching the white labels to the honey water, one of you will be attaching the messages to the candy and one of you will be packaging everything."

The boys nodded and began to work. It surprised me how quick Jungkook was working. Hobi did get tired over time and he left. Eventually, Jimin and Jungkook left to go some food. Me and Yoongi remained. I was still filming and Yoongi was still working. I wanted to put the camera down and help him, but Yoongi shook his head. There will be a lot of editing for this video. Jimin and Jungkook came back, amazed that Yoongi was still working. He tried to send the young ones away. Jungkook left, Jimin didn't. When Yoongi finished, there were three Kit Kats left. Jimin took one and gave me one. I smiled, "Thanks, Jimin."

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