Danger MV Shoot

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The Styling Trinity arrived at the abandoned factory we managed to get permission to use. I said, "I hope no one has OCD."

Mi Ho-unni shudders, "I do, unfortunately."

I chuckled, "Is that why I see you constantly cleaning even when no one has touched anything?"

"Well, I'm better about it now. Back then, you couldn't drop a water bottle without me freaking out," Mi Ho-unni explained.

Minho-oppa laughed, "You would've made for great entertainment for me back then."

Then the boys showed up. We had everyone in hair and makeup in a matter of minutes. Mi Ho-unni asked, "Why is Jin-oppa's hair purple? Wasn't it red not too long ago?"

I smiled, "He came back to the salon after everyone left and said he wanted something different, so I gave him purple."

She smiled at that, "Alright, then."

While I was working on Namjoon, I asked, "So, what's your take on the song?"

"Well, the girl we're with is playing with our feelings and we've had enough," he explained.

I chuckled, "I noticed you guys haven't left the practice room at all this week. Did you get the packages of food me and Mi Ho-unni sent?"

He smiled, "We did and the food was delicious. Thanks, Noonas."

Mi Ho-unni said, "You're welcome, Namjoon."

When everyone was ready, the dance scenes were being filmed. I said, "That's why they didn't leave the practice room. This choreography is very style heavy."

After that dance scene, it was time for Jungkook for film his scene with the piano. I felt really bad for the old piano because Jungkook had to abuse it. Minho-oppa wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "I know it hurts to watch."

I looked at him, "It does."

When Jungkook pushed the piano over, the director said, "Cut!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Good. No more piano abuse."

Yoongi started with his solo scene which involved him playing basketball. I miss playing basketball with him.

Flashback: When Yoongi and Eunji were 14

Me and Yoongi were playing one-on-one. We weren't really counting points, but we were exhausted. The session ended with me faking right and I went around Yoongi for the last shot. When it was over, we sat down on the pavement. Yoongi said, "You play better than the guy's team."

I chuckled, "Why do you think the girls' team has been undefeated for 3 years?"

He laughed, then laid down. I asked, "What are you doing?"

He patted the spot next to him, "Just lay here with me."

I laid down next to him. Thankfully, it wasn't too hot today. 

Back to Present Time

The guys came over to us for touch ups and water. Taehyung kept laughing the whole time. I have no idea what he's laughing at, but I'm glad he's in good spirits. After that, Jimin had to film his boxing scene. When he came back, he said, "That was embarrassing."

Minho-oppa asked, "You never boxed a day in your life, have you?"

I looked at him, "Minho-oppa!"

Minho-oppa smiled, "Just come to me next time. I'll give you some pointers."

Jimin smiled, "Thanks, Minho-hyung."

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