120k Special

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I never look forward to being summoned to Bang PD-nim's office, but at least this time I wasn't alone. Minho-oppa and Mi Ho-unni were called there as well. I asked, "Why do you think he wants all three of us?"

Minho-oppa shrugged, "I honestly couldn't tell you."

Mi Ho-unni groaned, "It better be worth waking up this early. I skipped a very good dinner from Jin-oppa."

I chuckled, "You'll be fine."

We reached the office and Minho-oppa knocked on the door. Bang PD-nim said, "It's open."

Minho-oppa opened the door and allowed me and Mi Ho-unni to walk in first. Bang PD-nim looked up from the papers he was reading and he said, "Good. All three of you are prompt. There's something important I need to discuss with you."

We all sat down in front of the desk and waited for him to continue. He put down the papers and said, "As you know, BTS has a fan sign event coming up soon."

We all nodded, then he continued, "Some of the managers of the event aren't able to make it, so I wanted you three to be their replacements for the event."

I was shocked, "Hold on. You want to watch over the guys while they sign autographs and receive gifts from ARMYs?"

"That's the gist of it, yes. I know that you've never done this before, but I have faith that the three of you will be fine. I've seen how you've taken care of them during the tour," Bang PD-nim replied.

"I appreciate the faith, but what if we run into..very excited ARMYs?" Mi Ho-unni asked.

Bang PD-nim chuckled because we all knew what she meant. He retorted, "We have security on standby for that."

"One more question, how long do we keep the ARMYs from staying with a certain member too long?" Minho-oppa asked.

"Most of the time, they're allowed to be with the members for about 5 minutes, so if they exceed that, just kindly tell them that they need to move along. Any other questions?" Bang PD-nim wondered.

We all looked at each other and shook our heads. Bang PD-nim nodded and dismissed us. I groaned, "Great. We have to deal with ARMYs."

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just think of it as overtime," Minho-oppa replied.

Mi Ho-unni chuckled, "Our work is nothing but overtime."

Minho-oppa was kind enough to give me and Mi Ho-unni a ride home. When we got home, I opened the door and the guys were all in the living room watching TV. I know why they were all there. Jungkook and Taehyung looked up and got out of the couch and hugged us both, "Noonas! What did he say? He's not throwing you out of the dorm, is he?"

I chuckled and returned the hug, "Relax, you two. We're not getting thrown out."

They let out a sigh of relief, then Hobi laughed, "Now that we got that out of the way, what did Bang PD-nim want to talk to you about?"

Mi Ho-unni told him, "Some of the managers won't be able to oversee the fan sign event, so the Styling Trinity will be temporary managers of the event."

All the guys looked surprised. Then Namjoon said, "Is that really a good idea?"

"That was my thought exactly, but he believes we can handle it, so here we are," I replied.

Jin-oppa said, "Just so you know, we'll be on our best behavior, right?"

Jin-oppa was looking at Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook when he said that. The three of them nodded, then I looked at the time, "Well, it is getting late. I'll just get ready for bed if no one claimed the shower."

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