Agust D MV Shoot Day 1

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The set for Agust D was not what I was expecting. It was gritty and dark, but not so unappealing that I couldn't look at it. I was doing Yoongi's hair and makeup. Thankfully, I didn't have too much to his face, but I needed to add texture to his hair. I smiled, "The second member with a mixtape. It still feels weird to take care of just one member."

"Good. I don't have to fight for your attention," he replied with a smile.

I chuckled, "You never have to fight for my attention."

He gave me a look, "I have to wait for the kids to leave you alone all the time."

I laughed, "What do you expect? They're learning how to be young men and I and Mi Ho-unni are the main women they're around most of the time."

Yoongi sighed, "Fine. I'll just savor having your attention all to myself."

I smirked, "I wouldn't enjoy it too much. You'll be tied to a chair when I'm done with you."

"Can you work slower?" Yoongi asked with a mischievous smile.

I shook my head, "We're all on a schedule here."

I finished his hair and we moved to the set where Minho-oppa tied him to his chair. Seeing him like this sent my brain in different directions and Mi Ho-unni noticed it, "Are you becoming a dominatrix now?"

I looked at her and shook my head, "No, of course not. Despite the Agust D persona, he's very sensitive. I would never intentionally hurt him."

Mi Ho-unni smiled, "True, but it never hurts to spice things up. Even Jin-oppa doesn't do the same thing twice."

Her smile was anything but innocent and Minho-oppa groaned, "Too much information, Mi Ho."

She laughs and moves to where Yoongi is to fix his clothes. Once she was done, the shooting began. I tried not to laugh seeing Yoongi move in the chair despite being bound. He was released for a moment to breathe, then he had to be bound again for when he falls to the floor to grab the knife. I got worried because it was Minho-oppa who had to drop him on the floor. I could tell he was trying not to hurt him, but I knew that Yoongi would be sore from being dropped so many times. Once that was done, he walked straight for the tteobokki. I sat next to him and asked, "Are you alright?"

He smiled and nodded, "I'm eating, so I'm fine now."

I chuckled, "I did get worried when you were being dropped."

"We're artists. We suffer for our craft," he told me.

I finally burst out laughing. He said, "Finally, a real laugh out of you. I was beginning to think I was losing my touch."

I looked at him, "I highly doubt you'll lose your touch. You'd have to lose your memories for that to happen."

After we were through eating, it was back to working on the video. Yoongi was already tired, but he was pushing through. The whole time, we were alternating between filming and fanning him so he wouldn't get overheated. I even brought his bottles of water. We get to the part where the container is being shaken by a forklift and I was worried. Thankfully, Yoongi was able to keep his balance while he was inside. He was given another break and I was dabbing off the sweat from his forehead. He said, "This is harder than working with BTS."

I nodded, "You can't really sneak in a break this time, can you?"

He gave me a tired look, "You could help me out."

"I can't. Someone has to keep you looking fresh even if you don't feel fresh," I answered.

Then he was back on set. It was the last scene of the day which pleased Yoongi immensely. He had to kick the door open, but the door wasn't giving as it should've. Once it finally opened, Yoongi was done and he sat down in a chair nearby. I smiled and gave him another bottle of water, "Great job today."

He looked at me and said, "Can you carry me to the car?"

I laughed, "I'm not that strong. I can give you my shoulder though."

He seemed satisfied with that, so we walked to the car and as I expected, he passed out on my right shoulder. I moved my right hand behind his head and began to massage it gently. Sejin-oppa looked at the rear-facing window and smiled. Mi Ho-unni said, "He works so hard. Along with the rest of the group, one would think they were workaholics."

I chuckled, "To a degree, they all are, but thankfully they understand the concept of rest and restoration."

Once we made it to the dorm, I tapped Yoongi's shoulder, "Yoongi, we're back."

He groaned and followed me to the dorm. I knocked on the door and Namjoon opened the door, "Hello, Eunji-noona."

I smiled, "Hello, Namjoon. Can you make sure he washes up and sleeps in his own bed?"

Yoongi groaned, "No, I want to stay with you."

Namjoon chuckled, "I'll make sure he showers and I'll deliver him to you."

I sighed, "I can deal with that."

After that, Namjoon got a reluctant Yoongi inside their place while I and Mi Ho-unni walked inside ours. Mi Ho-unni smiled at me, "You might as well shower first since he'll be here soon enough."

I laughed and said, "Thank you, Unni."

I took a shower, washed my hair, then dried myself off from head to toe. I changed into a plain white T-shirt with black shorts and I put my hair in pigtails. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I walked into my bedroom and I saw Yoongi's sleeping form on my bed. I laid down next to him and looked at his face. I enjoyed how peaceful he looked. I began stroking his hair, but I stopped when I heard him groan. I was about to move my hand when he grabbed my wrist gently and asked, "Why did you stop? Keep going."

I smiled and continued to stroke. We'll be really busy tomorrow, but I'll enjoy this time with him.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long. Stuff happens when your co-worker goes on vacation. I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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